I have a query that brings the result of the database to a table that at each row of the result has option to edit, until then the query and run normal, after clicking edit it loads the function SELECIONA_EDITAR_DOCUMENTO
, I had to call the issue by onclick
for each query line have a form
. It loads the normal editing page, plus when clicking edit document it loads the function CONFIRMAR_EDITAR_DOCUMENTO
but carries nothing of jQuery
, for example jQuery("#CONFIRMAR_EDITAR").serialize()
he does not carry the input text
, more if I pass each input by $('#consulta_ano').val()
within the data
of Ajax
it carries normal. I called a console.log(dados)
after the serialize
and simply returns blank.
Call for consultation (functions.js):
var dados = jQuery( this ).serialize();
var request = $.ajax({
url: "lib/class.consulta.php",
method: "POST",
data: dados,
dataType: "html",
beforeSend: function(){$('#carregando').show();},
request.done(function( msg ) {
request.fail(function( jqXHR, textStatus ) {
vex.dialog.alert( "Request failed: " + textStatus );
return false;
Call for editing:
var dados = jQuery('#SELECIONAR_EDITAR'+id).serialize();
var request = $.ajax({
url: "lib/class.consulta.php",
method: "POST",
data: dados,
dataType: "html",
beforeSend: function(){$('#carregando').show();},
request.done(function( msg ) {
request.fail(function( jqXHR, textStatus ) {
vex.dialog.alert( "Request failed: " + textStatus );
Confirm editing:
var dados = jQuery("#CONFIRMAR_EDITAR").serialize();
vex.defaultOptions.className = 'vex-theme-default';
message: 'Deseja realmente editar o documento?',
callback: function(aceita) {
if (aceita) {
var request = $.ajax({
url: "lib/class.consulta.php",
method: "POST",
data: dados,
beforeSend: function(){$('#carregando').show();},
dataType: "html"
request.done(function( msg ) {
message: msg,
callback: function(resultado_2){
request.fail(function( jqXHR, textStatus ) {
vex.dialog.alert( "Request failed: " + textStatus );
return false;
<form style="border: 2px inset; padding: 10px" id="CONFIRMAR_EDITAR" name='CONFIRMAR_EDITAR' enctype="multipart/form-data" method="POST">
<tr><td align='right'>Prefixo:</td> <td><input style="text-align: center; border: 1px inset; font-color:#E8E8E8" size="1" name='prefixo_editar_confirma' id="prefixo_editar_confirma" type="text" value="<?php echo $linha['prefixo']; ?>" readonly /> <br /></td></tr>
<tr><td align='right'>Código:</td> <td><input style="text-align: center; border: 1px inset" name="sequencial_editar" id="sequencial_editar" size="2" type="text" value="<?php echo $linha['sequencial']; ?>" readonly /> <br /></td></tr>
<tr><td align='right'>Ato: </td> <td><input style="text-align: center; border: 1px inset" name="ato_editar" id="ato_editar" type="text" size="8" value="<?php echo $linha['ato']; ?>" readonly /> <br /></td></tr>
<tr><td align='right'>Número: </td> <td><input style="text-align: center; border: 1px inset" name="numero_editar" id="numero_editar" type="number" min="1" max="5000" value="<?php echo $linha['numero']; ?>" /> / <input style="text-align: center; border: 1px inset" type="number" min="1970" max="2040" name="ano" id='ano' value="<?php echo $linha['ano']; ?>" /></td></tr>
<tr><td align='right'>Súmula: </td> <td><textarea style="border: 1px inset; resize: none" name="sumula_editar" id="sumula_editar" type="text" cols="100" rows="4" ><?php echo $linha['sumula']; ?></textarea><br /></td></tr>
<tr><td align='right'>Texto: </td> <td><textarea style="border: 1px inset; resize: none" name="texto_editar" id="texto_editar" type="text" cols="100" rows="10" ><?php echo $linha['texto']; ?></textarea><br /></td></tr>
<tr><td align='right'>Nome do arquivo: </td> <td><input style="border: 1px inset" name="arquivo" id="arquivo" type="text" size="40" value="<?php echo substr($linha['arquivo'], 12); ?>" readonly /> <br /></td></tr>
<tr><td align='right'>Usuário: </td> <td><input style="border: 1px inset" name="usuario_ins_editar" id="usuario_ins_editar" type="text" size="16" value="<?php echo $linha['usuario_ins']; ?>" readonly /> <input name="data_ins" id="data_ins_editar" type="text" size="13" style="border: 1px inset" value="<?php echo date_format(new DateTime($linha['data_ins']), "d/m/Y H:i:s"); ?>" readonly /><br /></td></tr>
<tr><td align='right'>Última modificação: </td> <td><input style="border: 1px inset" id="usuario_ult_mod_editar" type="text" size="16" value="<?php echo $linha['usuario_ult_mod']; ?>" readonly /> <input name="data_ult_mod" id="data_ult_mod_editar" type="text" size="13" style="border: 1px inset" value="<?php echo date_format(new DateTime($linha['data_ult_mod']), "d/m/Y H:i:s"); ?>" readonly /><br /></td></tr>
<tr><td align='right'>Alterar arquivo: </td> <td><input style="border: 1px inset" id='Habilita_Arquivo_Check' id="Habilita_Arquivo_Check" type="checkbox" onChange="HabilitaArquivoCheck()" title="Sim"/><br /></td></tr>
<tr><td align="right" hidden id="HabilitaColunaArquivo">Arquivo: </td><td hidden id="HabilitaColunaArquivoSelecao"><input style="border: 1px inset" name="arquivo_editar" id="arquivo_editar" type="file" title="Arquivo com extensão pdf" accept=".pdf"/><br /> </td></tr><br />
<tr><td align='right'>Dados da Publicação: </td> <td><input name='Habilita_Publicação_Check' id="Habilita_Publicação_Check" type="checkbox" style="border: 1px inset" onclick="HabilitaPublicaçãoCheck()" <?php if($linha['orgao_pub'] != ''){ echo "checked";}?> /> <br /></td></tr>
<div <?php if($linha['orgao_pub'] == ''){ echo "hidden";}?> id="HabilitaPublicação">
<tr><td align='right'>Orgão de publicação: </td>
<td><select id="orgao_pub" id='orgao_pub' name="orgao_pub">
<option value="" <?php if($linha['orgao_pub'] == ''){echo "selected";}?>> Nenhum selecionado</option>
<?php while($prod = mysql_fetch_array($correios)) { ?>
<option value="<?php echo $prod['nome_abrev'] ?>"
<?php if($linha['orgao_pub'] == $prod['nome_abrev']){echo "selected";}?>><?php echo $prod['nome_abrev'] ?></option>
<?php } ?>
<td align='right'> Data de publicação: </td><td><input class="data_pub" onKeyUp="data(this)" maxlength='10' id="calendario" name="data_pub_editar"type="text" value="<?php echo $linha['data_pub']; ?>" size="6" style="border: 1px inset" /></td>
<td align='right'> Edição: </td><td><input style="text-align: center;" id="edicao_pub_editar" name="edicao_pub_editar" type="number" min="1000" max="10000" value="<?php echo $linha['edicao_pub']; ?>" style="border: 1px inset" /> <br /></td>
<td align='right'> Página: </td><td><input style="text-align: center;" id="pagina_pub_editar" name="pagina_pub_editar" type="number" min="1" max="20" value="<?php echo $linha['pagina_pub']; ?>" style="border: 1px inset" /> <br /></td></tr>
<tr><td align='right' style="width:158px"><input type="submit" onClick='return CONFIRMAR_EDITAR_DOCUMENTO()' value="Editar" class="buttons buttons-primary buttons-block buttons-large"/></td>
Your form
?– BrTkCa
@Lucascosta Sim
– Willian Coqueiro
If possible, edit the question with the code of that form please.
– BrTkCa
Also put a part of the HTML of the generated Forms. Another thing, id
this in the tag/element<form>
why if I’m not mistakenserialize()
only works in form.– Neuber Oliveira
Yes, I will send.
– Willian Coqueiro
Another possibility is that maybe Voce has several ids
on the page, since there are several lines, so it may be taking the wrong element, or none, since in the teroria the id should be unique.– Neuber Oliveira
No. I already looked. kkkk
– Willian Coqueiro
@Lucascosta @Neuberoliveira I added the
. As you said in the question, if I pass by$('#id').val()
– Willian Coqueiro
@Neuberoliveira I also noticed that inside this form I had a
calendar, and it didn’t load when I started working withAjax
, I did everything. I inserted in the same file the library and everything, but it didn’t work. I also tried that if I put thescripts
within thefuncoes.js
, after the queries by loading the contents inside thediv
didn’t work either, I had to pass thescript
to the same file that was giving back.– Willian Coqueiro
@Neuberoliveira Believes that
in the form was preventing execution? I passed it into the tag and it worked. kkkk– Willian Coqueiro