Someone knows the formula to generate the order checker digit of the post office, I have already contacted them, but it is 3 working days to give an answer, and unfortunately I have to finish the system before this.
I have a lot of labels ranging from JO754533210BR to JO754543210BR, but I was informed that the last 3 characters are check digits, BR is quiet, because only orders sent from Brazil now the last number JO75453321 0 BR is the problem, for being a digit checker.
If anyone has an example or logic, I’d appreciate it!
Have you tried any of the traditional algorithms (module 11 and module 10)? https://pt.wikipedia.org/wiki/D%C3%Adgito_verifier
– Luiz Vieira
Thank you! , sorry, if it is not within the parameters, more and that is a somewhat complicated issue, and I believe that some users can look for this same formula in the future
– Marcos Paulo