WPF C# String Format


Viewed 1,251 times


I have a usercontrol with the following configuration:

<UserControl x:Class="PainelPendencias.View.PendenciaConsulta"
             d:DesignHeight="720"  d:DesignWidth="1024">

In a Datagrid column I do the stringformat below:

<DataGridTextColumn Header="Valor" Binding="{Binding OperacaoValor, StringFormat=N}" IsReadOnly="True">

The value received to be formatted is: 100543.67M.

The problem is that some machines are being shown correctly: 100,543.67 and others are adding zeros: 10,054,367.00.

[Update] On the machine with incorrect format I went to the regional settings and removed the addition of 2 decimal places [palliative]. But in the machines that work this addition exists.

2 answers


Have you tried other number formatting media? See more examples.

<DataGridTextColumn Header="Valor" Binding="{Binding OperacaoValor, StringFormat={}{0:#,#.00}}" IsReadOnly="True">
<DataGridTextColumn Header="Valor" Binding="{Binding OperacaoValor, StringFormat={0:#,0} {1:#,0}}" IsReadOnly="True">
<DataGridTextColumn Header="Valor" Binding="{Binding OperacaoValor, StringFormat=\{0:N0\}}" IsReadOnly="True">
<DataGridTextColumn Header="Valor" Binding="{Binding OperacaoValor, StringFormat={}{0:N0}}" IsReadOnly="True">

Response update

<DataGridTextColumn Header="Valor" Binding="{Binding OperacaoValor, StringFormat='#,##0.00', ConverterCulture='pt-BR'}" IsReadOnly="True">
  • The first 2 are not compiled, I get the following message: "Type 'not found. Check that there is no missing Assembly reference and that all referenced assemblies have been created.". The last two are thus formatting "2.065.000" a value that was to be like this "2.065.000,00". The value I passed in the question is coming out like this: 100,544

  • @Denis updated the answer, see if this format + force the culture to pt-BR is the way requested - with dot for thousands and comma decimally.

  • Perfect! Thanks to Ismael!!


Try Converterculture=en-BR like this:

<DataGridTextColumn Header="Valor" Binding="{Binding OperacaoValor, ConverterCulture=pt-BR}" IsReadOnly="True">

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