How to get current directory name in PHP


Viewed 5,548 times


I Googled and here on Sopt, but I did not find any site, or question here that would answer this question.


I’m on the page index.php who is in /5/index.php, then only the 5.

How to print this on the page?

What is the simplest and most practical way to get the directory name in PHP ?

Very simple question, but I did not find any useful method to get this information. : P

2 answers


The method for knowing the current board is getcwd()

"gets the Current Working directory"

You have more options,

  • you can use the dirname in combination with __FILE__ which gives the directory of the file you are in.

  • you can use the basename() in combination with the __DIR__ who will name the board you’re on.

An example in PHP fiddle would be so:

echo getcwd().'<br>';
echo dirname(__FILE__).'<br>';
echo basename(__DIR__).'<br>';

that gives:

  • could you give an example of use? : P

  • 1

    @Alexandrelopes joined example

  • 2

    What a beautiful answer! Kkkk, it’s perfect! So that’s it basename(__DIR__), Thank you @Sergio helping me always! : P


echo basename($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);

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