Can I use Css within a Swing application?


Viewed 419 times


It is possible to style a java application made in Swing, using css or javascript?

  • 3

    It is not possible. You need to use the Look and Feels to do this. If you want to style using css, try Javafx

1 answer


Some things can be done in the component. Below is an example of using CSS and HTML for a Jbutton:

jbBotao = new javax.swing.JButton();
jbBotao.setText("<html>\n<style>\ndiv {\ncolor: white;\nfont-family:arial;\nbackground-color: black\n}\n</style>\n<div>Teste</div>\n</html>");
  • 2

    I believe the question concerns the use of stylization over the entire application, not just certain components. And that won’t change anything from styling the button, only from its text.

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