Compare performance of two PHP scripts


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I worked on a script PHP, later I found it too complex and heavy and felt the need to simplify it.

  • eliminated some unnecessary functions;
  • simplified some parts of repeated code into functions;
  • I opted for POO in order to make the script more understandable;
  • ... etc.;

Now how could I check if I really won in terms of performance ? How could I compare the two scribes in this criterio :

  • execution time ;
  • resource consumption on the server;
  • ... etc.;

1 answer


Runtime I know answer, now if the performance (performance) is good, taking into account the runtime, I believe it depends more than your algorithm does, make an analysis of complexity and etc.

At the beginning of the algorithm:

$time_start = microtime(true); // Inicializa a variável $time no inicio do seu script
{seu código aqui}
$time_end = microtime(true);
$time = $time_end - $time_start;
echo $time; // Te traz o tempo em milissegundos de execução do algorítimo

In a script that picked up various data from another server, it brought me the runtime of 59s - 65s for example.

Performance can be measured by the amount of loops, number of recursive functions, number of similar functions that could be grouped, I believe it is worth taking a look at articles on algorithm complexity, which is a very extensive engineering/science subject.

Article on the complexity of algorithms

Resource consumption, there are internal commands on a server (linux, windows, among others) that can be used to analyze the amount of resources consumed during the execution time of a script, unfortunately I do not have much experience in the subject, but there are some questions here in the network that can help.

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