How to check if it has not already been inserted, in PDO?


Viewed 137 times


I need to check if it has already been registered before entering it in the database, as you can see, I get an array of software and I need to validate all of them before inserting. Basically it would include this line $dbh->prepare("select 1 from softwares inner join hardware on = softwares.hardware_id where = :server and = :software limit 1"); but do not know where, I can not have a machine with 2 same software, repeated software.

// POST - incluir
$app->post('/softwares', function(Request $request) use ($app, $dbh) {
$data = json_decode($request->getContent(), true);
$erros = array();

if(isset($data['softwares']) and sizeof($data['softwares']) > 0){
    $sth = $dbh->prepare("INSERT INTO softwares(HARDWARE_ID, PUBLISHER, NAME, VERSION, FOLDER, COMMENTS, FILENAME, FILESIZE, SOURCE, GUID, LANGUAGE, INSTALLDATE, BITSWIDTH, EXCEPT) SELECT id, NULL, :software, :version, :path, :daemon, :binary, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, TRUE  FROM hardware where = :server");

        for($i=0; $i < sizeof($data['softwares']); $i++){
                    $id = $dbh->lastInsertId();
                    if($id == 0){
                            array_push($erros, $data['softwares'][$i]);
            }catch(PDOException $e){
                    array_push($erros[$i], $data['softwares'][$i]);

    if(count($erros) > 0){
            $json = array("status" => 202, "code" => 202, "message" => "Accepted", "errors" => array("count" => (int )count($erros), "content" => $erros));
            $response = new Response(json_encode($json), 201);
            $response->headers->set('Location', "/softwares");

            $json = array("status" => 201, "code" => 201, "message" => "Created");
            $response = new Response(json_encode($json), 201);
            $response->headers->set('Location', "/softwares");

            return $response;

    }catch(PDOException $e){
        $json = array("status" => 400, "code" => 400, "message" => "invalid json format", "errorMessage" => $e->getMessage());
        $response = new Response(json_encode($json), 201);
        return $response;
    $response = array("status" => 400, "code" => 400, "message" => "invalid json format");
    return new Response(json_encode($response), 400);}});
  • You would have to test this solution in the table softwares create an index of the type unique with fields that cannot repeat, forming a single key for each record in its table, thus having in the code a try/catch to Exception PDOException would be fired.

  • I can’t do that, I’m customizing/augmenting ocs Inventory, if I do it and it’s not error handling I’ll have a lot of headaches to change all his interactions with bd, you know?

  • Simple, search for the primary key before registering.

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