Transfer image from one Image control to another of the same type


Viewed 49 times


I have these three controls:

<Button x:Name="btn" />
<Image x:Name="imagem01" />
<Image x:Name="imagem02" />

Suppose I carry an image on "imagem01" using:

OpenFileDialog ofdImage = new OpenFileDialog();
ofdImage.Filter = "JPEG Files|*.jpg|Bitmap Files|*.bmp|Gif Files|*.gif";
ofdImage.DefaultExt = "jpg";
ofdImage.FilterIndex = 1;
if (ofdImage.ShowDialog() == true)
    this.imagem02.Source = new BitmapImage(new Uri(ofdImage.FileName));

What code should I write, associated with the button "btn", in order to load in image02 the same image I have in "imagem01".

1 answer


Arghh ... I can’t believe it was that simple:

imagem02.Source = imagem01.Source;

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