Subset and maintain NA values


Viewed 204 times


I’m sure there’s a way to subset and keep the NA values in the R. However, when I apply this function it is also disappearing from my base the NA values. I’m just using the formula below:


So you’re missing the valuables from the V2 that’s in NA. What’s the best way to make this subset?

2 answers


The way I found out was to put the in the programming, that is to say:

  • 1

    you don’t need to call the function data.frame again in this case. Enough subset(dados,V2!="CNPJ"|

  • Beauty, Daniel.


One option (maybe uglier) is to use the subsetting that the operator [ provides:

dados[dados$V2 != "CNPJ",]

This operation keeps the lines containing NA.

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