problems with expiring php session


Viewed 37 times


Well I already know I’ve done several posts here about session, but this error is different.

I have a login system where the session has to last 2 hours, IE it can only expire if the user does not interact with the system.

My settings are like this:


// Define o limitador de cache

// Inicia a sessão

No php.ini

    session.save_handler = files ; sqlite (5.3) / user / memcache(d)
    session.serialize_handler = php ; php_serialize / wddx / php_binary / igbinary
    session.use_cookies = 1
    session.use_only_cookies = 1 = TESTE
    session.auto_start = 0
    session.cookie_lifetime = 0
    session.cookie_path = /
    session.cookie_domain =
    session.cookie_httponly =
    session.serialize_handler = php
    session.gc_probability = 1
    session.gc_divisor = 1000
    session.gc_maxlifetime = 1440
    session.bug_compat_42 = Off
    session.bug_compat_warn = Off
    session.referer_check =
    session.entropy_length = 0
    session.cache_limiter = nocache
    session.cache_expire = 7200
    session.use_trans_sid = 0
    session.use_strict_mode = Off
    session.hash_function = 0
    session.hash_bits_per_character = 5
    url_rewriter.tags = "a=href,area=href,frame=src,input=src,form=fakeentry"
    session.upload_progress.cleanup = On
    session.upload_progress.enabled = On
    session.upload_progress.freq = "1%"
    session.upload_progress.min_freq = 1 = PHP_SESSION_UPLOAD_PROGRESS
    session.upload_progress.prefix = "upload_progress_"

Good when I log in and go to the browser console appears the 'TEST' section, and it shows that it will expire in 2 hours. Whenever I refresh the page the expiration date and updated.

The problem is that if I leave the system idle for about 30 minutes and refresh the page it says that the section has expired.

How did I solve this?

  • I’d bet on cookie... less headache

  • section and more secure because the data is in the server.

  • What data? You are not saving passwords etc... in session because you are not?

  • yes store passwords in session

  • You shouldn’t... just store $_SESSION['loggedin'] = True; you already know that the user is login, with verification if($_SESSION['loggedin']) { ... está logado... } else { ...não está... }

  • not quite so I do, I have a function I mount that picks up the user and the password on md5 that is in the section and query in the BD.

  • Hugo, you shouldn’t do that, let alone guard the user id that’s logged in, like,: $_SESSION['loggedin']['id'] = 3; $_SESSION['loggedin']['username'] = 'HuBor'; , Having this you can already access everything related to the user, with the id stored in session you will look for what interests you to BD whenever you want without sensitive information moving from one side to the other (client side <-> server side). And there are better hash methods than md5, this is already obsolete for hash passwords

  • ok, so how do I make the login system safe? could help me?

  • There’s a lot on the Internet about this... If you have time recommend, old, but very good and hugging. In this case it only stores the user id in session

  • @Hugoborges You need to fix it here, it’s only 24 minutes: session.gc_maxlifetime = 1440

  • @Bacco I’ll set equal to 'cache_expire = 7200'

  • @Hugoborges always put a little bigger than real time

  • blz, but I always have to let it equal the 'cache_expire'?

  • I complemented my previous answer to your question. For two hours, I would leave for example 7800 (7200 + 10 minutes off)

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