Exclusion involving Java and SQL


Viewed 289 times


The program I’m doing requires a deletion of users from the bank!

In the code I determine:


static private void Excluir(Connection con) throws SQLException
    String cpf;
    Scanner s = new Scanner(System.in);
    Cliente cli = new Cliente();

    System.out.println("Informe o CPF a ser Excluido:");
    cli.cpf = s.next();
    cli.ExcluirPess(cli, con);

In client class I determine:

public void ExcluirPess(Cliente cli, Connection con) throws SQLException {
      String sql = "delete from Cliente where CPF_cliente = ?"; 
      PreparedStatement stmt = con.prepareStatement(sql);  
      stmt.setString(1, cli.getCpf());

I tidied as demonstrated, but the exclusion is not yet made! The fact where in the bank to PK CPF_cliente was FK in Endereco and Telefone, interferes with the exclusion?

1 answer


You must add the parameter and then run your Preparedstatement.

String sql = "delete from Cliente where CPF_cliente = ?"; 
PreparedStatement stmt = con.prepareStatement(sql);  
stmt.setString(1, cli.cpf);

The fact that in the bank the PK Cpf_client is FK in Address and Phone, interferes with the deletion?

Of course, the database does not allow you to make such a deletion so as not to generate an inconsistency in the database, otherwise the Address and Telephone tables would have a foreign key that does not exist in the Client table.

To fix, first delete the records in the tables that have the foreign key and finally delete the record in the Client table.

  • I guess instead of cli.getCpf() will be cli.cpf.

  • @Piovezan is possible, can not be sure because the OP did not show the Client class, however cli.Cpf is more guaranteed to work. I’ve changed as you suggest.

  • @Math Thanks, as you said it really is necessary to delete first the FK then directly delete the PK table Client

  • @Bruno, I believe you’ve ruled it out through preparedstatement, the same way I would. Just in terms of information, there is another way to do that, would be the Stored Procedures, that automatically deletes the Fks from the record you delete, however I ended up not quoting in the answer for not getting too long and why it might not be interesting for you. Just know that there is this other option, if you are ever interested.

  • @Math didn’t know this other way of deleting FKs, by the way is a much easier option to use. Thank you for adding this other option.

  • @Bruno after learning to make them can say that it is easier, however depending on the size of your application you will choose not to have to learn a new command, everything depends on what you are looking for.

  • @Math understand, as my application is involving college, it would not be good to fit the Stored Procedures. Even so it is good to know other ways to effect exclusions, will help a lot in the future market!

  • In fact, you don’t even need to create a Stored Procedures 90% of the data bands I know there is a Cascate on Delete option, which means when we set FK we say how it reacts to deletion and modification, the options are to ignore, prevent or cascade, in the cascade option you excluding the FK all those who have it as a foreign key will also be deleted. <pre>FOREIGN KEY (product_id) REFERENCES products (id) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE,<code> Just one example.

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