Code improvement


Viewed 81 times


I am doing a college job, to show the benefit of user interactivity with jquery. The way I did it was: Content is responsible for the part showing the image and doing some onclick function. However, in the content exchange I have to return the content number. Checking the code below, do you have any tips to give me so you can make the code cleaner and better to work with? Because in this code only work with 2 Contents, however my project have to work with 30 Contents. will be a lot of work. hehe. Thanks a lot guys! this site is awesome!


        .slide img {
            position: absolute;


        .clicarinicio {
            width: 130px;
            height: 100px;
            border: 5px solid #FF0000;
            position: absolute;


        .clicarinicio2 {
            width: 130px;
            height: 100px;
            border: 5px solid blue;
            position: absolute;



<div class="slide">
        <div class="content-switcher" id="Content1">
            <img src="img/1inicio.jpg" style="height:100%;" />
            <div class="mostraBox" style="display:none;width:100px;height: 20px; right:0; position: absolute; color: white;">Clique no botao Iniciar</div>
            <div class="clicarinicio"></div>


        <div class="content-switcher" id="Content2">
            <img src="img/2botao.jpg" style="height:100%;" />
            <div class="mostraBox2" style="display:none;width:100px;height: 20px; right:0; position: absolute; color: white;">Abriu o painel! Clique em Alguma coisa</div>
            <div class="clicarinicio2"></div>




 $(document).ready(function () {


             $('.clicarinicio').on('click', function () {
                 return selectStep(2);


        function selectStep(n) {

            if (n == 1) {


            if (n == 2) {


            $("#Content" + n).show();
  • you can pass the DOM element itself to its function selectStep and work with him within.

  • thanks for replying Rafael. Can I give an example please?

  • Let me see if I understand; When you click "showBox" another box is displayed right?

1 answer


You can start by organizing the HTML better, the elements do not need to have an ID to capture your click or the element itself, for example;

<div class="slide">

<div class="content-switcher">
    <button class="mostraBox">
      Clique - conteudo 1
    <div class="box">Conteudo 1</div>

<div class="content-switcher">
    <button class="mostraBox">
      Clique - conteudo 2
    <buton class="box">Conteudo 2</button>

So you can add as many content-switcheryou want...

To capture the click action do;

$(document).ready(function() {
    $('.mostraBox').on('click', function() { // Captura o click
        // Pega o proximo elemento 
        // (abaixo da div .mostrabox que é a div onde esta o conteudo) 
        // e aplica o efeito fadeIn.

Note that you don’t need to put ID’s on the elements because there are classes in jquery where you can manipulate even the elements around the target you’ve captured the click on.

When using the function next() take care because if you or someone needs to change the layout and add another div between .box and .mostraBox the script will not work, but we can use another mode as well, see in the example below;

$(document).ready(function() {
   $('.mostraBox').on('click', function() { // Captura o click

With the function parent() you search the div that is "above" the button (in case content-switcher) and search WITHIN the content-switcher a div with class .box, this way you can add any other div within the content-switcher that the script will continue working.

  • Great! thank you so much for responding. This way to catch another element is fantastic! Thank you rafael.

  • @Joaomarcos good that the answer helped, note that this way you can create 1000 Divs with the same elements and even then continue to work, just be careful with the next() because eventually you need to change the layout and add another div between the box and the mostraBox won’t work.

  • @Joaomarcos added more examples in the reply, see if you understand.

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