What I need to do is this, I have a select with the states, when the person changes that state I need to fill another select with the cities.
This is the state select :
<div class="input-group">
<select class="selectpicker dropdown" data-live-search="true" id="selectEstado">
@foreach (Estado estado in Model.Cidade.Estados)
if (estado.EstadoId == Model.Cidade.EstadoId)
<option selected value="@estado.EstadoId">@estado.Nome</option>
<option value="@estado.EstadoId">@estado.Nome</option>
The function I’m trying to do is this: :
$("#selectEstado").change(function () {
var lang = $("select option:selected").val();
$.getJSON("/Cidade/GetCidadePorEstado?EstadoId=" + lang, null, function (cb) {
He is entering the controller of C# and returning a model with all the cities, but I do not know how to proceed later, I try to verify the value of cb but I am not getting, I have little knowledge in this area if someone can give me a strength.
From now on I thank you
EDIT So is now my function
$("#selectEstado").change(function () {
var EstadoId = $("select option:selected").val();
$.getJSON("/Cidade/GetCidadePorEstado?EstadoId=" + EstadoId, null, function (cb) {
$("#selectCidadeNovo").append('<option value="' + cb.CidadeNome + '">' + cb.CidadeNome + '</option>');
the log
this showing an object CidadeNome:Array[141]
which are the Names of the Cities that I received from cb
but does not change the names of the Cities.
By default the two select already comes with values because this screen and edit client, then this client already has a city, so when changing the status I need to reload the select of the city with the new callback
So and the select that needs to be changed:
<div class="form-group">
<div class="input-group">
<select class="selectpicker dropdown" data-live-search="true" id="selectCidade">
@foreach (Cidade cidade in Model.Cidade.Cidades)
if (cidade.CidadeId == Model.Cidade.CidadeId)
<option selected value="@cidade.CidadeId">@cidade.Nome</option>
<option value="@cidade.CidadeId">@cidade.Nome</option>
In my case the problem and add to a select with the selectpicker class , different from the question you marked.
– William Cézar