How can I differentiate authentications in the Standard? Example: Administrator and Common User without using multauth


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How can I differentiate routes for the same auth? I have a User table and in it I have registered two types of user: admin and common user, both in the User table, with the same attributes.

How can I differentiate between routes that will appear for Adm and for the average user, as each one has access to different things?

You can provide documentation for that case

1 answer


You can do this through a Middleware.

You can create a middlewareto verify that the current user is of a certain level. So, you can set this middleware on the routes you set and want only the administrator to access.

Exemplifying better, first you must create a middleware.

Turn the command php artisan make:middleware AdminCheck.

It will create a file on app/Http/Middlewares/AdminCheck.php. Then edit it, as in the case below:

class AdminCheck
     * Handle an incoming request.
     * @param  \Illuminate\Http\Request  $request
     * @param  \Closure  $next
     * @return mixed
    public function handle($request, Closure $next)
        if ($request->user()->admin == false) {
            return abort(403, "Acesso não autorizado");

        return $next($request);

Then you should add this middleware at the Http/Kernel of its application:

protected $routeMiddleware = [
    // outros middlewares
     'auth.admin' => App\Http\Middleware\AdminCheck::class

Next on your routes, you define a group of routes that can be accessed only by this group:

Route::group(['middleware' => ['auth', 'auth.admin'], function () {
      // Minhas rotas da administração aqui


In what part $request->user()->admin == false i am doing a check to see if this user has been registered in my database as an administrator. In this case, it is not necessary for you to do as I did, but it is important that you have a way to differentiate an ordinary user from an administrator user. This way you will have to elaborate. I am commenting on this because in your question you quote that they are registered "admin and common user, both in the User table, with the same attributes.".

  • Very good, the example of the legal 403 +1

  • Until then I have differentiated these two users by registration in a third table. Ordinary users have a register in the session table. Now, I believe I will have to create an attribute in the User table that can differentiate them.

  • Very good example, I’m moving here! Thank you!

  • @Kaninchem the way you store who is admin or ordinary does not matter, you just need to write a code consistent with what you already have.

  • @Kaninchem, creates a third table with the username_type name, then you relate the two, the admin, to the user for it, and leaves the rules of the user types accessible from middleware

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