I’m making a small bulletin board with the option of replies to the comments.
I managed to do a lot of code, but as I have been away from programming for more than 10 years (my focus today is Linux servers and network infrastructure) I am having difficulties.
I can post the comment, the queries, both to extract the comments and to extract the answers, but I have no ideas to include the answers in the table.
The related tables are as follows::
create table if not exists tb_comentarios
id_comentario int not null auto_increment,
titulo varchar (30) not null,
nome varchar (50) not null,
comentario varchar (255) not null,
data_postagem varchar (20) not null,
aprovo int (5)not null default 0,
desaprovo int (5)not null default 0,
ip_host varchar (50)not null,
primary key (id_comentario),
index (nome,data_postagem)
create table if not exists tb_respostas
id_resposta int not null auto_increment,
id_comentario int (5)not null,
nome varchar (50) not null,
resposta varchar (255) not null,
data_postagem varchar (20) not null,
aprovo int (5)not null default 0,
desaprovo int (5)not null default 0,
ip_host varchar (50)not null,
primary key (id_resposta),
index (nome,data_postagem),
foreign key (id_comentario) references tb_comentarios (id_comentario) on delete cascade on update cascade
The structure is as follows:
Resposta 01
Resposta N
So far, like I said, all right.
I created a second form to be used for sending replies, a second script to insert, what I need now is to find a way to when click the reply link, get the id_comentario
and send it to the response insertion script as foreign key to the table tb_respostas
That’s the problem, how to get the exact id_comentario
in the onclick
of the specific comment?
Follows part of the code:
<div class="window" id="formulario_comentario">
<a href="#" class="fechar link_mural_comentario">X Fechar</a>
<p class="formatacao_padrao">
<div id="status"></div>
<form name="formulario_comentario" action="comentario.php" method="post">
<input name="titulo" type="text" id="titulo" size="35" />
<input name="nome" type="text" id="nome" size="35" />
<textarea name="comentario" id="comentario" rows="5" cols="40"></textarea>
<div align="center"><input class="botao_enviar" type="submit" value="Enviar" />
<input type="reset" value="Limpar"></div>
//Inclui o arquivo de conexão com o banco de dados.
include 'conexao.php';
//Seleciona e exibi os dados da tabela tb_comentarios por ordem de data de postagem.
$stmte01 = $PDO->prepare("select * from tb_comentarios order by id_comentario desc");
$executa = $stmte01->execute();
while($reg = $stmte01->fetch(PDO::FETCH_OBJ))
{ /* Para recuperar um ARRAY utilize PDO::FETCH_ASSOC */
echo "<p class='formatacao_padrao post_it_amarelo'>";
echo "<img src='../img/post-it-taxinha.png' width='40' height='32' alt=''>";
echo "<b>".$reg->titulo."</b><br>";
echo $reg->comentario ."<br>";
echo "postado por : <b>".$reg->nome."</b> em ";
echo $reg->data_postagem;"<br>";
echo "<br><br>";
echo "<a href='#formulario_resposta' rel ='modal' class='link_resposta'>Responder</a>";
echo "</p>";
$stmte02 = $PDO->prepare("select * from tb_respostas where id_comentario= $id_comentario order by id_comentario desc");
$executa = $stmte02->execute();
echo "<p class='formatacao_padrao post_it_azul'>";
echo "<img src='../img/post-it-taxinha.png' width='40' height='32' alt=''>";
echo $reg->resposta ."<br>";
echo "postado por : <b>".$reg->nome."</b> em ";
echo $reg->data_postagem;"<br>";
echo "<br><br>";
echo "</p>";
echo 'Erro ao exibir dados';
– MagicHat
@Magichat mysql_* functions are obsolete
– Marcos Xavier
@Take a look at this post http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10680943/pdo-get-the-last-id-inserted#10680965
– Marcos Xavier
@Marcosxavier I know, this link was the first idea that came to mind, pq has some functions of db, but has myqli tmb...http://php.net/manual/en/mysqli.insert-id.php
– MagicHat
But in case Pdo is here: http://php.net/manual/en/pdo.lastinsertid.php
– MagicHat