Data Return PHP + Ajax


Viewed 141 times



On my system I intend that, the user select the data present within the dropdowns and click confirm, the selected value goes to the document filtraDashboardGeral.php, with a PHP function SELECT in my table, returns the result using the method value POST as a parameter and the return of this function is inserted in the variables I already have on my main page, it is possible?

My script:

        url: 'datacenter/functions/filtraDashboardGeral.php',
        type: 'POST',
        data: {rede: $("#dropdown-parceria").val()},

My document filtraDashboardGeral.php:

    $rede = $_POST['rede'];

    function buscaDados($conexao){
        $dados = array();

        $resultado = mysqli_query($conexao, "SELECT * FROM evolucao_originacao WHERE rede = {$rede}");

        while($valores = mysqli_fetch_assoc($resultado)){
            array_push($dados, $valores);

foreach ($dados as $filtrados) :
    $_SESSION['redeAtual'] = $dados['rede'];

Briefly, I want to change the value of my session variables through an Ajax request, which are session variables, it is possible?


  • Yes it is possible, it gives some error?

  • @Miguel, actually, I don’t know how to return the values I picked up in the filter into my variables

  • John but no mistake, right? Just want to return $dados['rede'] back to customer side? PS: this line: $_SESSION['redeAtual'] = $dados['rede']; , is not making sense, is rewriting the value of the variable $_SESSION['rede'] every loop

  • @Miguel, error 500. (I edited my script to try to display something but nothing, I changed in the post). This was the only way the head came to set the variable with the array value

  • @Miguel follows error

  • That’s not the error I want to see, it’s the server-side error, d3eves has an error in php. You need to see this tab: . Network->all->Sponse , and click on filtraDashboardGeral.php on the left side

  • @Miguel segue php n returns no error

  • John on the left side, in the list of requests that are made to be there (when you make the request ajax) the file filtraDashboardGeral.php , click on it when it appears and on response

  • now appeared

  • Ok, well now click on the Response tab instead of "headers". Hopefully you have php errors enabled

  • @Miguel without any error in the Answer tab, says that no data is available

  • Ok, so now put it on the server side (php) echo 'olá'; after the foreach, do it again and see the

  • Failed to load Response data

  • This appeared where? in Sponse?

  • @Miguel was yes.

  • You don’t need to put the php file function in your request? 'datacenter/functions/filtraDashboardGeral.php/funcao'

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