I need to assemble a control table of many other tables, it is basically a multiple index control that informs the position of these data tables.
after several attempts even using SQL directly I think I’ve reached a basic conclusion
using a single table makes it difficult to assemble and administer although reading is relatively easy
the table has remained so for now, I still do not know if it is the best configuration
does not have a fixed number of tables going according to branch
I am writing first the reading macros of existing sectors a test for open comics
Sub BD_Lista()
Dim loo() As Variant, ss() As Variant, c As Long, cc As Long, l As Long
cc = 1
ReDim ss(1 To 5, 1 To cc)
For Each objwb In Workbooks
For Each objws In objwb.Worksheets
loo = objws.Range(bdctrl).Value2
If loo(1, 1) = Tem_Setor Then
c = c + 1
If c > cc Then cc = cc + 1: ReDim Preserve ss(1 To 5, 1 To cc):
ss(1, c) = objws.Name
ss(4, c) = objwb.Path & "\"
ss(5, c) = objwb.Name
For l = 2 To 3
ss(l, c) = loo(l, 1)
End If
Next objws
Next objwb
l = Sheets(wconfig).Cells(Rows.Count, 2).End(xlUp).Row
If l < 4 Then l = 4
Sheets(wconfig).Range("b4:G" & l).ClearContents
Sheets(wconfig).Range("b4:F" & 3 + c).Value2 = Array_TransposTo(ss)
End Sub
now re-attack the old one that mounts the sectors
of course for this type of situation the ideal would be OOP, but my ability is low for this
Hello. Welcome to SOPT. Your question is not redundant. It’s really confusing. What is "some archaic yet functional type"? Kind of what? When you say "table", are you referring specifically to what? Would it be a spreadsheet or a CSV file? That string you mount, separated by
, Where will the data come from? What does this represent? Anyway, you can’t understand practically anything about your problem, and so it is difficult to help. Edit the question and improve it, okay? If possible, read on [Ask].– Luiz Vieira
No problem. For this, read the [help]. The button "[Edit]" is there below the question, just after the tags, between the options "share" and "close".
– Luiz Vieira
it is difficult to define a way to expose the doubt , I think it would be right to delete the post and try to turn here
– Edcronos
rs The problem is that it is still difficult to understand what is a "multiple index control". Instead of describing how you are "really curled up" or how you "even get along with macros," you get to the point. Explain what this multiple index control is, provide example scenarios (if you have one table that "controls" another, put two examples and explain how this control is done), explain what are the relevant columns! Anyway, if you don’t explain it right no one will be interested in helping because you’ll just spend time trying to guess your difficulty.
– Luiz Vieira
edited, but I know it’s not clear yet, I’ll try to put together a graphic example to expose the idea, in the head it even works , but I don’t know in practice
– Edcronos
It is not yet clear. Perhaps your problem is also too wide (you have a lot of information). How about solving by parts? (by the way, you can open more than one question, you don’t have to solve everything here) For example: when you say "data index", what does that mean? It would be the address of the cell where that table starts?
– Luiz Vieira
Indice would be the indicator of the table format, this indicator can point to a group of other indices or to a sheet range , do not know how to subdivide the problem into several questions , but browsing found possible adjustments that I will need to do, as use of primary and secondary tables
– Edcronos
What do you mean "table format"? I asked and you said it was a spreadsheet. I don’t see how it will have "different formats". What would be these formats? Just see how each answer from you creates two questions (the one that already exists, unanswered, and a new one). It’s really hard to help you. I think you need to work a little to make your difficulty more punctual and objective. Then come back here and edit again or post a new question. Good luck!
– Luiz Vieira
Is there any way to post a spreadsheet here? , I can assemble an example and functional with this table that I put as an example, but the fact that I need a more elaborate structure
– Edcronos