check if object items are empty


Viewed 244 times


Hello, I have an object that receives parameters from a form and send this object to another page. On this page I need to do a validation if at least three items have been completed. Could someone help me?

1 answer


You can browse the values of the object using and save to a counter. If the counter is greater than 2, it means that at least 3 values have been filled in. Example:

var obj = {
    "param1": "1",
    "param2": "2",
    "param3": "",
    "param4": "",
    "param5": ""
  cont = 0;

for (propriedade in obj) {
  // retorna true se o valor for diferente de undefined, vazio, null, zero, espaços
  if (obj[propriedade])

if (cont > 2)
  alert("Pelo menos 3 preenchidos")
  alert("Falta à preencher");

  • 1

    Thanks man, it worked out, thanks...

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