What is the largest modal size in bootstrap?


Viewed 451 times


I need the biggest bootstrap modal size to be able to show a table with lots of data.

  • I assume it will be the size of the screen. But rethink how the data will be presented in the table, it may be useful to use a pagination.

  • The bootstrap has its pre-defined sizes, by default it is medium, still you can use large(modal-lg), if still not enough, you can change the css with the sizes you want... You can use the overflow:scroll to activate the scroll bar...

  • how do I change the css of bootstrap?

  • 1

    I believe it’s in the archive bootstrap.min.css....

  • @Magichat instead of doing this Voce can set the class modal-lg again and change the width. css works in statement order, so the last one wins. If you don’t use !important

  • @Brunocosta is not I who am wanting to change the size, I am only offering a way, there are several paths...

  • 2

    @Robertoalbino and can force the css right in the tag like this : <div class="modal-dialog modal-lg" style="height:100% !important; width:100% !important;">

  • It worked, man, thank you very much.

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