How to make the graph start on the y-axis by ggplot?


Viewed 252 times



I’m trying to get the chart below to start on axis y, but I’m not getting it. The idea is to bring the first value of the x-axis, the time 6h, to the value 0 of the y-axis. Below follows the script used and the image obtained.

Could someone help me??

Thank you very much!!

     ggtitle("Relative expression")+
     geom_line(alpha = 1/20)+
     scale_color_manual(values=c("#920000", "#6DB6FF"))+
     geom_line(data=x2, aes(x=TimePoint,y=Log2meanFC, group=Species.x,colour=Species.x),size=2)+ 
     scale_colour_manual(name="",breaks=c("organism1","organism2"),labels=c("organism1","organism2"),values=c("#920000", "#6DB6FF"))+
     annotate("text", label = paste(length(unique(Transporters_All_DEGs[which(Transporters_All_DEGs$Species.x == 'organism1'),'GeneID'])),'genes',sep=' '), x = '24h', y = 12, size = 4, colour = "#6DB6FF")+
     annotate("text", label = paste(length(unique(Transporters_All_DEGs[ which(Transporters_All_DEGs$Species.x == 'organism2'),'GeneID'])),'genes',sep=' '), x = '24h', y = 11, size = 4, colour = "#920000")

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

1 answer


To start from 0, just add the command ylim(0,NA). For example:

ggplot(mtcars, aes(x = disp, y = mpg)) + geom_point() 

Returns this graph:

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

Already, with this term added:

ggplot(mtcars, aes(x = disp, y = mpg)) + geom_point() + ylim(0,NA)


inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

  • Was this really what the OP wanted? The phrase "The idea is to bring the first value of the axis x, time 6h for the value 0 of the axis y" (emphasis added) suggests a translation in the data. I may be wrong, but I understood that he does not want the graph of points (x, y), but rather (x-6, y) or (x, y-min(log2FC)). I’m not sure what he really wants because the phrase I quoted above sounds ambiguous to me. I don’t know what exactly "bring the first value of the axis x, time 6h for the value 0 of the axis y".

  • 1

    It’s really ambiguous. The first time I read it I had no doubt that it was. Now I don’t know anymore... I think he wants the opposite. The x-axis starts at 6h

  • But the x-axis already starts in 6h. Anyway, it’s weird. I’m not sure that my interpretation is correct, nor that yours is wrong.

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