Show suggestions while typing autocomplete


Viewed 252 times


I got the following autoComplete :

<p:autoComplete id="geracao" value="#{habilidademb.habilidade.geracao}"
    dropdown="true" var="bean" itemLabel="#{bean.nome}" 
    itemValue="#{bean}" converter="#{geracaoConverter}" effect="bounce"/>

When I’m typing in it, it opens all the options and marks the ones that match the text I’m typing. I would like it only to show the options that match my text. How can I do that? Mine completeMethod is:

public List<Geracao> listarGeracoes() throws Exception 
    this.geracoes = gDao.findAll();
    return this.geracoes;
  • Take a look here:

  • I’ve looked but I don’t understand how I’m gonna do it.

1 answer


You can try the following:

public List<Geracao> listarGeracoes(String query) throws Exception
     * 1a. Opção: fazer um método no seu dao para buscar por nome diretamente no banco
    //return gDao.buscarPorNome(query);

     * 2a. Opção: filtrar os resultados com base na query
    List<Geracao> retorno = new ArrayList<Geracao>();
    for (Geracao g : gDao.findAll()) {
        String teste = g.getNome();
        if (teste.toLowerCase().contains(query.toLowerCase())) {
    return retorno;

And in your autocomplete, modify the completeMethod="#{habilidademb.listarGeracoes}" and add minQueryLength="3" to search from 3 characters.

  • And what parameter I pass when calling the method ?

  • Sorry, you have to modify completeMethod to: "#{habilidademb.listarGeracoes}"

  • Show, it worked, because you have to take the () of the method ?

  • I’m glad it worked. I think the component should look by default for a method with a string parameter implicitly, similar to listeners with parameters, which also do not need the ().

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