PHP Read TXT, delete lines, create new file


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I want to use PHP and xamp/wamp to do the following task on my computer without the need to upload/download:

I have dozens of TXT files on the computer, each TXT containing only 1 name per line, no strokes, dots, etc.

I want to do a search, for example, for all people with surname "Silva" in these dozens of files, so PHP would read all TXT files, move all names with "Silva" to silva.txt and save the 2 files.

So far they have explained the following: The stop is to take the files and pass in php by a foreach on each line, add in the database, but before add do a search if there is already the data in the new file, then save the 2 files.

Can someone give me a light on how to do this?

I confess that I do not understand almost anything of PHP and I am beating head p/ do this foreach in several files at the same time, create this BD, create a new file, move everything, see if it has repeated, put in alphabetical order and save all the files later.

It’s complicated to work....

  • Post the code of what you have tried so far. And in what part of the code you have doubts, so it is easier to clarify the doubts.

  • If the files are in a single folder, it’s easier... Are??

  • They are all in the same folder. Find this here to read the files. Processing all files in a directory <? php $dh = dir ("/home/1www/"); while ($input = $dh->read()) { print $input . " <br>"; } $dh->close(); ?>

  • To open the write file I found this: <?php $Fp = fopen("./data.txt", "w"); while (!feof($Fp)){ $char .= fgetc($Fp); } fclose($Fp); echo $char." <br><br>"; ?>

  • <?php $file = file("list.txt"); foreach ($file as $i => $value) { } usort($files, "porData");

  • I’m trying to put all these parts together and make it work.

  • The files are simple: 001.txt, 005.txt, they have only one name per line, then ENTER, all TXT and in the same folder.

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1 answer


$base = __DIR__.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; // Diretório onde estão os arquivos txt.
$files = glob($base.'*.txt'); // Pega todos os arquivos que terminam com .txt

$search = 'silva'; // a palavra que deseja buscar
$found = array();
$arr = array();
// Itera os arquivos encontrados
foreach ($files as $file) {

    // Lê cada arquivo em um array
    $arr = file($file);
    foreach ($arr as $k => $v) {
        // Se encontrar a palavra, guarda no array $found e remove do array que leu o arquivo.
        if (stripos($v, $search) !== false) {
            $found[] = trim($arr[$k]);
    // Salva os dados no arquivo, com os nomes removidos
    if (!empty($found)) {
        file_put_contents($file, implode('', $arr));

// salva todos os nomes encontrados
if (!empty($found)) {
    file_put_contents($base.'silva.txt', implode(PHP_EOL, $found));

unset($found, $arr);
  • Hi Daniel, installed the Xampp again and worked all legal.

  • I really appreciate your help, I’ll have hours of work to do here but it would be months if you hadn’t helped.

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