How to play an audio in C Language


Viewed 2,606 times


If you can help me, I’m doing an Electronic Urn in C language, I’d like to put that little vote after a person takes a vow.

I already have that sound in . mp3 and . wav format, how do I play that sound after a vote? Do you have any specific library?

2 answers


You can use a library, which will facilitate your development.

Example with FMOD

#include <conio.h>
#include "inc/fmod.h"


int main ()
   // init FMOD sound system
   FSOUND_Init (44100, 32, 0);

   // load and play mp3
   handle=FSOUND_Sample_Load (0,"my.mp3",0, 0, 0);
   FSOUND_PlaySound (0,handle);

   // wait until the users hits a key to end the app
   while (!_kbhit())

   // clean up
   FSOUND_Sample_Free (handle);

Source: Source

  • 1

    Remembering that Bass and Fmod are paid if it is for commercial use

  • @Bacco well remembered, by the question of the OP should be a college project or exercise this case there will be no problem for him.... :)

  • I believe that will not have problem anyway, I only commented because other people can read in the future, for other uses.

  • @Bacco quiet, I had not attacked me for this... :)

  • Where I find Fmod, on their website there is no place to download the library, only Fmodstudio


In addition to those that have already been cited have those that play WAV files with Sdl_mixer:

  • The SDL (Simple Directmedia Layer)
  • Sdl_mixer

See more here.

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