How to validate jcomboBox before saving


Viewed 356 times


I have the following problem, I am trying to validate these jcombobox, I want that if the user does not select an item from the movie jcombobox, a message appears: "Select Movie", if it is the client’s, a message appears: "Select Customer" and if it is the employee’s, also appear a message of this type, I need that validation before saving, as I would do it?

Method I call to popular jcomboBox:

    protected void preenche_filmes() {
    java.sql.Connection conn = null;
    java.sql.PreparedStatement pstm = null;
    ResultSet rs = null;
    List<String> resultados = new ArrayList();
    //importe a classe java.util.List

    try {

        conn = ConnectDB.conexaoDB();
        pstm = conn.prepareStatement(SELECT_FILME);         
        rs = pstm.executeQuery();
        resultados.add("Selecione o Filme:");

            resultados.add(rs.getString("codigo_filme")+"-"+ rs.getString("titulo"));


        cbFilmes = new JComboBox(resultados.toArray());
    } catch(SQLException e) {
        JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Ocorreu um erro "+ e.getMessage()+ e.getErrorCode()+ e.getSQLState()+e.getLocalizedMessage());


Method of saving on the seat:

protected void salvar(){

    String selecao_filmes = cbFilmes.getSelectedItem().toString();
    String[] campos_filmes = selecao_filmes.replace(" ","").split("-"); // suponho que esteja separado por -
    System.out.println(campos_filmes[0]); // deve pegar o código
   int  codigo_filme  = Integer.parseInt(campos_filmes[0]);//Integer.parseInt(campos_filmes[0]);

  String selecao_funcionario = cbFuncionario.getSelectedItem().toString();
    String[] campos_funcionarios = selecao_funcionario.replace(" ", "").split("-");
int codigo_funcionario = Integer.parseInt(campos_funcionarios[0]);
    String campos_clientes[];

    String selecao_cliente = cbClientes.getSelectedItem().toString();
     campos_clientes = selecao_cliente.replace(" ", "").split("-");
   int codigo_cliente  = Integer.parseInt(campos_clientes[0]);

    String data_locacao = dt_locacao.getText();
    String data_devolucao = dt_devolucao.getText();
 if(data_devolucao.equals("  /  /    ")){
        JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "O campo Data de devolução é Obrigatório!");
        }else if (data_locacao.equals("  /  /    ")){
    JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "O campo Data de locação é Obrigatório!");


    Locacao locacao = new Locacao();

    control.Locacao manutencao = new control.Locacao();



1 answer


Following the line of reasoning of your code, you can do it this way:

if(cbFilmes.getSelectedItem() == null || cbFilmes.getSelectedgetSelectedIndex() == 0) {

  JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Selecione um filme.");

} else {
    //código que faz o salvamento aqui

The Czech condition if there is something selected in the JCombobox or if the selected item is the first item, because in the I code that populates the component, the first item is a caption(resultados.add("Selecione o Filme:");, and I believe it is not desirable to save him.

  • The problem is that now, it gives me this error: Exception in thread "AWT-Eventqueue-0" java.lang.Numberformatexception: For input string: "Selectioneofilme:"

  • And it always falls on condition select a movie, not letting me save.

  • 1

    @Pr99 the cause of the error is something else, add a [mcve] of your code so it is possible to test.

  • Your answer is right, I was able to correct the error, thank you for your help.

  • @Pr99 dispo :), I did not point out the error because I did not understand how the combobox was being populated, so if I pointed out what I thought was wrong, it could cause more problems elsewhere. That is why it is always important to try to add a [mcve], then it is easier to correct other errors that may arise in the solution.

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