Convert String from a div to int and do a mathematical operation


Viewed 122 times


I’m trying to do the following function:

    <span id="our_price_display">R$ 71,90</span>

    function calculaParcela(){
    var regex = /\d+,\d+/g;
    var texto = $(".our_price_display").text(); //id da div com o texto R$ 71,90
    var valor = regex.exec(texto);
    var insereValor = $("#valor-parcelado").text(valor.join(""));


    var divide = insereValor / 3;


But on the console he returns me Nan.

what could be done to fix this operation?

1 answer


Nan is an error returned to non-numeric (not a number). You will have to convert to number using parseFloat:

$("button").click(function() {

function calculaParcela() {
  var regex = /\d+,\d+/g;
  var texto = $("#our_price_display").text(); //id da div com o texto R$ 170
  var valor = regex.exec(texto);
  var insereValor = parseFloat(valor.join("").replace(",","."));
  var divide = insereValor / 3;
  return divide;
<script src=""></script>
<span id="our_price_display">R$ 71,90</span>
<span id="resultado"></span>
<button>Só valor</button>

  • 1

    Man, that’s right! Thank you very much!

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