Group items by month and count them


Viewed 1,150 times


I need to group and count all items by mês. Utilise Laravel 5.2, tried to do so:

$mes = date('m');
$vendas = Encomenda::where('FlgStEncomenda', 'O')

I need you to come back like this:

[0] 5
[1] 10
[2] 4
[3] 11
[4] 107
[5] 110
[6] 120
[7] 5
[8] 103
[9] 104
[10] 102
[11] 0

Where the índice means the mês, and in the case of the month that has not yet arrived return 0. It has to do this with Eloquente?

  • To return 0 you’ll have to make one array manually 1 to 12 or create a table of months in your base and make a Right Join.

  • It would be nice to create the table, would be cleaner the code.

2 answers


$mes = date('m');
$vendas = Encomenda::where('FlgStEncomenda', 'O')
         ->select(\DB::raw('MONTH(created_at) as Mes, count(*) as Quantidade'))   

$grafico = [1 => 0, 
            2 => 0, 
            3 => 0, 
            4 => 0, 
            5 => 0, 
            6 => 0, 
            7 => 0, 
            8 => 0, 
            9 => 0, 
            10 => 0, 
            11 => 0, 
            12 => 0];

foreach($vendas as $key => $value)
     $grafico[(int)$key] = (int)$value;

If you want to search by year:

$ano = date('Y');
$vendas = Encomenda::where('FlgStEncomenda', 'O')
         ->select(\DB::raw('MONTH(created_at) as Mes, count(*) as Quantidade'))   

I had already done an answer with whereRaw.

  • 1

    I liked it that way. Always did different. You put a value default and only when you have.


To return 0 you have to array to do the months combo. Otherwise you can create a table for months and do a Join.

$vendas = Encomenda::select(DB::raw('MONTH(created_at) AS mes, count(id) AS qtd'))
          ->where('FlgStEncomenda', 'O')
          ->lists('mes', 'qtd')

$arrMeses = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12];

foreach($arrMeses as $key => $mes){
    if($mes == $vendas[$key]){
        $arrFoo[$mes] = $vendas[$key];
        $arrFoo[$mes] = 0;

  • Brother only the title for you to change, has a variable $value within the first if, which is not instantiated in any location

  • Well noted. I changed the foreach and forgot to change inside.

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