Get windows logged in user to automatically authenticate on a website published in IIS 7.5


Viewed 608 times


I am creating a web application with ASP.NET MVC 5, where when a network user accesses the address of my application by the browser the systems already automatically pick up which user is trying to log into the application. Currently I have to type user domain and password. inserir a descrição da imagem aqui And on my web.config I’m using it, but I wouldn’t want the system to ask for user and password, only if the user wasn’t in the domain. Remember that this application is already published on IIS server 7.5 inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

Could someone help me, please????

  • If I’m not mistaken, firefox doesn’t work right. You have to make some configuration.

  • Where I work users work with IE, Chrome and Firefox, I would like a form of automatic browser-independent authentication or at least working, hehe.

  • 2

    So, as I said: this does not work natively in Firefox, possibly it will be necessary to install a add-on in all the Firefox.

  • Thanks for the tip, vlw bro!!

1 answer


Unfortunately, or fortunately, there is no way to standardize. This goes from browser to browser.

In Internet Explorer and Google Chrome it can perform this authentication automatically. If you want to modify the settings, this answer shows how to do this.

Already in Firefox, you need to use some add-on (as told by @jbueno), such as the Integrated Authentication or change the firefox default setting (this depending on firefox version).

  • 1

    Thanks friend, helped me a lot!! vlww

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