How do "Docker" and "containers" (LXC, LXD) work?


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I saw this question Difference between VM and LXC Containers, but her focus is a comparison between VM and containers. What I’d like to know is a little more about containers like Docker, LXC and LXD.

I would like to know the focus of each and how linux containers. Virtualhost has something to do with this?

And are these containers only supported by linux? Or are there other Unix-like environments that support containers?

  • 2

    Windows also supports =D (at least using Docker)

  • @jbueno our I did not know, I thought that Docker depends on Linux core technology

  • This is recent, I don’t know how it works. But I saw on their official website.

1 answer


Take a look in this reply (English). In short:

  • Linux Container (LXC) is a low-level means to virtualize Linux systems. It works at the operating system level.
  • LXD is a hypervisor that uses LXC underneath the scenes. Think of it as LXC with a more augmented tooling. For example, LXD has an HTTP REST administration interface.
  • Docker is also a tool for virtualization based on LXC, but with an emphasis on application virtualization.

The big difference between LXD and Docker is that LXD focuses on virtualizing entire operating systems, while Docker proposes working with a smaller scope (only one application).

  • It seems a good way to understand, I doubt it, it depends exclusively on the technology within the linux nucleus, how does this technology work? @jbueno said that Docker is supported on Windows "stations" as well.

  • @Guilhermenascimento LXC is associated with Linux. What Microsoft is doing is implementing the concept of containers within Windows. This technology, 'Windows Containers', supports Docker images.

  • I understood is not that the Docker runs in real windows, I will read more about, thanks :D

  • Just one correction in the above answer, Docker left the LXC in 2014, in favor of its own lib.

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