How to restore a database backup from a c#application?


Viewed 314 times


I have searched how to restore a backup of BD through a c#application, but I had difficulty understanding the logic. I have already programmed a form that performs the backup and have no idea how a restore would work, for example, how I would select the backup file?

Follow the code I use to back up if it helps in any way.

    private void FrmBackup_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        txtServidor.Text = "USER-PC";
        txtDB.Text = "DBClinica_TCC";


    private void btnSqlComand_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

        SqlConnection LCN = new SqlConnection();
        SqlCommand LCom = new SqlCommand();
        string LStrSql = "";
        //String de Conexão deve ser substituída pela do seu Servidor
        SqlConnectionStringBuilder Lstr = new SqlConnectionStringBuilder();
        Lstr.DataSource = txtServidor.Text;
        Lstr.InitialCatalog = txtDB.Text;
        if(rbtSql.Checked == true)
            Lstr.IntegratedSecurity = false;
            Lstr.IntegratedSecurity = true;
        Lstr.UserID = txtLoginBD.Text;
        Lstr.Password = txtSenhaBD.Text;

LCN.ConnectionString = Lstr.ToString();
    //Abrindo a conexão
    LCom.Connection = LCN; 
    DateTime d=DateTime.Now;
    //Criando o Comando que será executado para gerar o Backup       

    LStrSql = "BACKUP DATABASE [" + txtDB.Text + "] TO DISK='" + txtArquivo.Text +d.Day.ToString()+d.Month.ToString()+ "' WITH COPY_ONLY";
    LCom.CommandText = LStrSql;
    MessageBox.Show("Backup Gerado com Sucesso");

catch (Exception ex)
    MessageBox.Show("Houve um erro ao tentar executar o Backup: "+ex.Message);

code used to restore:
use a OpenFileDialog para pegar o arquvo de backup

private void btnSelect_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        this.ofdRest.Multiselect = false;
        this.ofdRest.Title = "Selecionar Backup";
        ofdRest.InitialDirectory = @"C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL12.MSSQLSERVER\MSSQL\Backup";
        ofdRest.CheckFileExists = true;
        ofdRest.CheckPathExists = true;

        DialogResult dr = this.ofdRest.ShowDialog();

        if(dr == DialogResult.OK)
            foreach(String arquivo in ofdRest.FileNames)
                txtArquivo.Text += arquivo;

    private void btnRestore_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        SqlConnectionStringBuilder Lstr = new SqlConnectionStringBuilder();
         Lstr.DataSource = txtServidor.Text;
        Lstr.InitialCatalog = txtDB.Text;
        if (rbtSql.Checked == true)
            Lstr.IntegratedSecurity = false;
            Lstr.IntegratedSecurity = true;
        Lstr.UserID = txtLoginBD.Text;
        Lstr.Password = txtSenhaBD.Text;
        SqlConnection cs = new SqlConnection(Lstr.ToString());

            String sqlquery = "Use Master ALTER DATABASE [" + txtDB.Text + "] SET OFFLINE WITH ROLLBACK IMMEDIATE RESTORE DATABASE [" + txtDB.Text + "] FROM DISK ='" + ofdRest.FileName + "' ALTER DATABASE [" + txtDB.Text + "] SET ONLINE WITH ROLLBACK IMMEDIATE";
            SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(sqlquery, cs);
            MessageBox.Show("restore complete");
        catch (Exception ex)

  • But the question is just how do you choose the file? If so, just use an Openfiledialog. Try the following: Openfiledialog ofd= new Openfiledialog(); ofd.Showdialog();

  • Actually I wanted to know how does the restore in general, the question of selecting the file is one of the doubts, but thank you!

  • I won’t post an answer because I’m running out of time and I’ve never used this solution, but I’ve seen the use of backup/Store with Microsoft’s SMO library. It is a more robust solution

2 answers


There are many ways to do this.

I suggest you create a service to execute the command, which when fired, closes all connections to the bank and executes the command.

The command to be executed would be as follows:

RESTORE DATABASE AdventureWorks2012  
   FROM DISK = 'Z:\SQLServerBackups\AdventureWorks2012.bak'  
   WITH FILE = 6  
RESTORE DATABASE AdventureWorks2012  
   FROM DISK = 'Z:\SQLServerBackups\AdventureWorks2012.bak'  
   WITH FILE = 9  

Using the value FILE = 6 when doing a Full Restore and the value FILE = 9 when it is a partial restoration

You find details here:

  • While this link may answer the question, it is best to include the essential parts of the answer here and provide the link for reference. Replies per link only can be invalidated if the page with the link is changed. - From Review

  • At the suggestion, I edited the response to meet the requirements and standards.


Based on what you did for the backup, do the same for the Restore. The only precaution is that to do the Restore, all connections have to be disconnected.

SqlConnection cs = new SqlConnection(strConnString);

            String sqlquery = "Use Master ALTER DATABASE databasename SET OFFLINE WITH ROLLBACK IMMEDIATE RESTORE DATABASE databasename FROM DISK ='" + txtRestoreFileLoc.Text + "' ALTER DATABASE databasename SET ONLINE WITH ROLLBACK IMMEDIATE";
            SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(sqlquery, cs);
            MessageBox.Show("restore complete");
        catch (Exception ex)

  • What would be strConnString? in SqlConnection cs = new SqlConnection(strConnString);

  • strConnString == Lstr.Tostring(); ....

  • É o teu connectionStringbuilder:SqlConnectionStringBuilder Lstr = new SqlConnectionStringBuilder();
Lstr.DataSource = @"USER-PC";
Lstr.InitialCatalog = "DBClinica_TCC";
Lstr.IntegratedSecurity = true;
Lstr.UserID = "usuario";
Lstr.Password = "senha"; LCN.Connectionstring = Lstr.Tostring();

  • the code, it seems to be working well, but I end up getting this error message: [] know what is?

  • look at the path and file name. Something is wrong with the object you are sending to set the path to the file. Put the code you’re doing now.

  • I’ll change the question or there, here no more fits.

  • I used an open file dialog to get the file

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