How to detect if an HTML element is empty?


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How can I detect if an HTML element is empty with jQuery? I need to make a condition if the element is empty.

4 answers


Try this:

if ($('#element').is(':empty')){
  //seu codigo
  • Guys, I’m marking this because it was the one that worked, and despite having another one, it came first, before it was not working because the elements I wanted to check were loaded via ajax, but I’ve made the adjustments and it worked! Thank you all.


You can use .html().length to check the size of the element content.

Code example:

<div id="minhaDiv"></div>
<div id="minhaDiv2">2</div>
var div = $('#minhaDiv').html().length;     // dá 0
var div2 = $('#minhaDiv2').html().length;   // dá 1
div && console.log('Div 1: ' + div);        // não aparece
div2 && console.log('Div 2: ' + div2);      // aparece



Checking that it has no character (zero size):

if ($('seletor').is(':empty'))

Checking if it has no content (ignoring whitespace):

if ($.trim($('seletor').html()) == '')
  • It should be noted that in addition to the white spaces, $.Trim() will also remove line breaks and tabs that in Firefox and Chrome are considered as element content.

  • 1

    Your second option is bringing the following error: Uncaught Typeerror: Cannot call method 'Trim' of null

  • 1

    @Denisbernardo Experimenta: if ( $.trim( $('seletor').html() ) == '' ), that is, pass the collected content inside the TRIM and then compare.

  • @Zuul tested with if ( $.Trim( $('selector').html() == '' ) but is falling in if anyway

  • I added the note. @Denisbernardo, which browser you’re using?

  • @Talles It seems that $('seletor').html() is returning null, do not know under what conditions this could occur. Strange...

  • @bfavaretto, but the weird thing is that so much $.trim(null) how much $.trim(undefined) returned "" correctly with me (jQuery 2.0.2, Firefox 26).

  • I also tested it on jq2, maybe it happens in an earlier version. @Talles

  • @bfavaretto, in Jsfiddle with jQuery 1.10.1 worked normal: @ Denis, was there any other error in your code?

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You can use

jQuery(document).ready(function () {

    //esta é uma alternativa mas pode falhar quando existem espaços em branco dentro da tag
    var test = jQuery("#elemento").html();
    if (test.length <= 0) {
        //elemento vazio.. faça algo
    } else {
        //element possui html dentro...
        alert("não vazio");

    //uma outra alternativa conta apenas os filhos dentro

    if (jQuery("#elemento").children().length <= 0) {
    } else {
        //não vazio...
        alert("não vazio");

    //se for verificar apenas o texto utilize .text() ao invés de .html()

an example is here

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