Convert weight into money


Viewed 67 times


I’m trying to convert weight into money, but every time my answer is zero and I calculated here and nn should give zero kkkkk someone can help me Obs: the 5 is the price per kilo (This job will make me pass the series give me a help pf kkk)

private void convertButtonActionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt){                                              

    double pesagem = Double.parseDouble(peso.getText());
    double Result = ((5/1000)*pesagem);
    textresult.setText("R$ "+Result);
  • 1

    Peso in cash? What is this conversion? Edit the question there, it is quite difficult to understand.

  • The program is for a Gelateria where the employee type the weight of the ice cream and the software calculate and turns into money according to the price per kilo

  • 1

    Then edit the question and give more details about what you are doing (as you did in the comments), otherwise it is difficult to understand the problem.

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1 answer


When you use a int in a division the result will be rounded. So to solve your problem, change the result calculation to:

double Result = ((5.0 / 1000.0) * pesagem);

Tip: Do not use variables starting with a capital letter to comply with the naming convention Java. Use as follows:

double result = ((5.0 / 1000.0) * pesagem);

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