How to Resolve App Shutdown Problem?


Viewed 76 times


I’m creating an app in Android Studio and whenever I test it to see the progress it does not run, takes a break.

app (app name) stopped.

In Logcat appears this:

W/Dynamitemodule: Local module Descriptor class for not found. W/Googleplayservicesutil: Google Play services out of date. Requires 9877000 but found 9875480 Application terminated.

  • vc need to enter the google Developers page and download the json configuration file for the project that Voce set to use with firebase and put it in the project root folder

  • 3

    Google Play services out of date Your emulator is with outdated google play... I’m not sure how to update this, if you can download an update inside the emulator itself, or if you need to create another one with it already updated.

  • then and the case in json I’ve done it...but I’ll see how you do to update google play

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