Application that does not need to load full page


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How can I create an MVC C# with Razor, where I have a Layout and then just update the central content and not the page as a whole.

I read some places to use AJAX another to use PartialView. But what is the best method? And how to do this?

3 answers


You should use something as follows

In his controller you must define an action that will return what you need

public class HomeController : Controller

    public ActionResult Index() {
       return View();


    public ActionResult Detalhes() {
       return PartialView();

On your page(view) you must choose a place(div) to receive the result via ajax

index.cshtml (view of the Action Index)

@{ Layout ="../Shared/_Layout.cshtml" } 
<!-- conteúdo da minha index -->
<!-- e quero atualizar apenas uma parte dentro da minha view index.cshtml com o retorno da partial Detalhes -->
<div id="detalhes"></div>

In his javascript\jQuery you will make a request ajax to the controller and will put the result in this div:

    type: "get",
    url: "/Home/Detalhes",
    success: function(data) {

or in a reduced manner

$.get("/home/detalhes", function(data) {

In that case, I shall not change _Layout.cshtml, do not remove the @RenderBody because the content of index.cshtml will be played inside the layout where it was and which in turn, on my index, will have an area that will receive a content from the action detalhes without having to reload the entire page.


If you already have one PartialView that by convensão is named with the underscore\underline at the front (ex: _SouUmaPartialView), you can render it on other pages by starting pages (because it is reusable) as follows.

@Html.Partial("~/Views/Shared/_SouUmaPartialView.cshtml", seuObjetoCasoNecessarioPassarDados);
  • In the layout I would change the @Renderbody(), by <div id="details"></div>. And then in the View I would add ajax? I got a little confused :S

  • I did an update with an update of the answer, see if you can understand now

  • Is it possible that I don’t use @Renderbody()? For example the index matches the details? So it’s a layout partialview?

  • The @Renderbody() if you don’t want to use, you’ll have to repeat all the html on your pages. Your index.cshtml is like already a partialview that is inserted where @Renderbody() .... has a look at this link that explains how to work with Layouts:


Example calling the PartialView Listagem


public class Home
    public ActionResult Listagem()
        return PartialView();


With jQuery:

    type: "GET",
    url: "/Home/Listagem",
    success: function(retorno) {
        $("#minha-div").html(retorno); // Lança o HTML retornado na DIV de id `minha-div`


From what I understand, you want to create a 'master page' structure for an MVC project with Razor.

If this is really your question, you can create a page. cshtml that will be your Layout, and where you want to render the 'dynamic' content of your site put the code @Renderbody();

On the other pages of your project where you want to inherit the code of your Layout, use the code @{ Layout = "Path of your Layout.cshtml"}



<!DOCTYPE html>
    <div class="row">
        <article class="container">
                <section class="content-wrapper main-content clear-fix">
    <div class="row">

On any other page:

    Layout = "../Shared/_Layout.cshtml";

//Seu código com Razor aqui;
  • It really renders, but it wants to accomplish the invoke via Ajax

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