Does Valueeventlistener count as a simultaneous connection in Firebase?


Viewed 222 times


If my application in Firebase has 5 users and they all have a valueListenerEvent on, waiting for some change in the database, do I have 5 connections simultaneously? For example, in a chat using firebase with 105 users connected at the same time, that’s 105 connections at the same time, that is 5 users are "thrown away" and can’t connect? Or is not so the firebase counts connections at the same time?

1 answer


Your thinking is correct, for every active user is a connection in the bank. And if your connections are on edge, new active users won’t be able to connect to the base. Another precaution you need to take is not to leave an open bank connection in the background, so as not to exceed your limit.

Remembering that you have a thousand users who have installed your app, this is not to say that you are with a thousand simultaneous users accessing the bank, because each user has its different behavior.

Recommends you take a look at this example here:

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