How to select single data from a Join conditional?


Viewed 186 times


I have 2 database tables:


| Field    | Type         |
| id       | int(11)      |
| ip       | varchar(255) |
| votes    | int(11)      |
| port     | varchar(255) |
| hash     | varchar(255) |
| created  | datetime     |
| modified | datetime     |


| Field      | Type         |
| id         | int(11)      |
| server_id  | int(11)      |
| type       | varchar(255) |
| hostname   | varchar(255) |
| gamemode   | varchar(255) |
| language   | varchar(255) |
| players    | int(11)      |
| slots      | int(11)      |
| version    | varchar(255) |
| url        | varchar(255) |
| date_check | datetime     |
| created    | datetime     |
| modified   | datetime     |

I’m having trouble making the following rule of selection:

Select the table data Servers and make a Join with the Stats using the = Stats.server_id. But this John must only take the most recent data (only one) table Stats that has the type equal to online or offline.

How could the query used to make this rule?

  • You want what data from each table?

  • You have examples of data: how it is and how it would have to look?

  • What is the field that defines that the data is most recent?

2 answers


See if it helps?

select sv.*
from servers sv
       inner join stats st
         on st.server_id =
where st.type in ('inline','offline')
order by st.modified desc
limit 1
  • It did help a lot! Unfortunately I can not give you reputation because I have no account here (and I am too lazy to create one) but if one day create for sure I will consider you!

  • The important thing is to have solved. Abs!


See how to do below, this solution was made in SQL SERVER, but select is equivalent to mysql.

declare  @servers table
     id        int,      
     ip        varchar(255) ,
     votes     int,      
     port      varchar(255), 
     hash      varchar(255), 
     created   datetime ,    
     modified  datetime    

declare @stats table
     id          int,      
     server_id   int,      
     type        varchar(255), 
     hostname    varchar(255), 
     gamemode    varchar(255), 
     language    varchar(255), 
     players     int,      
     slots       int,     
     version     varchar(255),
     url         varchar(255), 
     date_check  datetime,     
     created     datetime,     
     modified    datetime     

insert into @servers values
(1,'',12,'80','3232323',getdate(), getdate()),
(2,'',12,'8080','3232323',getdate(), getdate())

insert into @stats values
(1,1,'offline', 'teste/teste','','',1,1,'','',getdate(),CONVERT(varchar(10),(dateadd(dd, -4, getdate())),120), getdate()),
(2,1,'online ', 'teste/teste','','',1,1,'','',getdate(),CONVERT(varchar(10),(dateadd(dd, -3, getdate())),120), getdate()),
(3,1,'online ', 'teste/teste','','',1,1,'','',getdate(),CONVERT(varchar(10),(dateadd(dd, -2, getdate())),120), getdate()),
(4,1,'offline', 'teste/teste','','',1,1,'','',getdate(),CONVERT(varchar(10),(dateadd(dd, -1, getdate())),120), getdate()),
(5,1,'não select', 'teste/teste','','',1,1,'','',getdate(),getdate(), getdate()),
(11,1,'offline', 'teste/teste','','',1,1,'','',getdate(),getdate(), getdate()),

(6,2,'offline', 'teste/teste2','','',1,1,'','',getdate(),CONVERT(varchar(10),(dateadd(dd, -4, getdate())),120), getdate()),
(7,2,'offline', 'teste/teste2','','',1,1,'','',getdate(),CONVERT(varchar(10),(dateadd(dd, -3, getdate())),120), getdate()),
(8,2,'offline', 'teste/teste2','','',1,1,'','',getdate(),CONVERT(varchar(10),(dateadd(dd, -2, getdate())),120), getdate()),
(9,2,'offline', 'teste/teste2','','',1,1,'','',getdate(),CONVERT(varchar(10),(dateadd(dd, -1, getdate())),120), getdate()),
(10,2,'online', 'teste/teste2','','',1,1,'','',getdate(),getdate(), getdate()),
(12,2,'não select', 'teste/teste','','',1,1,'','',getdate(),getdate(), getdate())

select * from @servers sv
join @stats s
on s.server_id =
and s.created = (select max(created) from @stats s1 where s1.server_id =
where s.type in ('online','offline')

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