Dictionary in python


Viewed 256 times


Good morning! I’m having trouble breaking down the information and dictionary in python. My dictionary is a Biopython-generated dictionary like the one below:

{'LastUpdate': '2016/11/11 04:34', 'Count': '26645932', 'DbName': 'pubmed', 'LinkList': [{'Description': 'Assembly', 'Menu': 'Assembly', 'DbTo': 'assembly', 'Name': 'pubmed_assembly'}, {'Description': 'Related Projects', 'Menu': 'Project Links', 'DbTo': 'bioproject', 'Name': 'pubmed_bioproject'}, {'Description': 'BioSample links', 'Menu': 'BioSample Links', 'DbTo': 'biosample', 'Name': 'pubmed_biosample'}, {'Description': 'BioSystems', 'Menu': 'BioSystem Links', 'DbTo': 'biosystems', 'Name': 'pubmed_biosystems'}, {'Description': 'PubMed links associated with Books', 'Menu': 'Cited in Books', 'DbTo': 'books', 'Name': 'pubmed_books_refs'}, {'Description': 'Link to related CDD entry', 'Menu': 'Conserved Domain Links', 'DbTo': 'cdd', 'Name': 'pubmed_cdd'}, {'Description': 'Clinical variations associated with publication', 'Menu': 'ClinVar', 'DbTo': 'clinvar', 'Name': 'pubmed_clinvar'}, {'Description': 'Clinical variations calculated to be associated with publication', 'Menu': 'ClinVar (calculated)', 'DbTo': 'clinvar', 'Name': 'pubmed_clinvar_calculated'}, {'Description': 'Link from PubMed to dbVar', 'Menu': 'dbVar', 'DbTo': 'dbvar', 'Name': 'pubmed_dbvar'}, {'Description': 'Related dbGaP record', 'Menu': 'dbGaP Links', 'DbTo': 'gap', 'Name': 'pubmed_gap'}, {'Description': 'Related GEO DataSets', 'Menu': 'GEO DataSet Links', 'DbTo': 'gds', 'Name': 'pubmed_gds'}, {'Description': 'Link to related Genes', 'Menu': 'Gene Links', 'DbTo': 'gene', 'Name': 'pubmed_gene'}, {'Description': 'Gene records in this citation', 'Menu': 'Gene (from Bookshelf)', 'DbTo': 'gene', 'Name': 'pubmed_gene_bookrecords'}, {'Description': 'PubMed links to Gene derived from pubmed_omim_cited links', 'Menu': 'Gene (OMIM) Links', 'DbTo': 'gene', 'Name': 'pubmed_gene_citedinomim'}, {'Description': 'Records in Gene identified from shared sequence and PMC links.', 'Menu': 'Gene (nucleotide/PMC)', 'DbTo': 'gene', 'Name': 'pubmed_gene_pmc_nucleotide'}, {'Description': 'Link to Gene for the GeneRIF 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'DbTo': 'medgen', 'Name': 'pubmed_medgen_omim'}, {'Description': 'Published Nucleotide sequences', 'Menu': 'Nucleotide Links', 'DbTo': 'nuccore', 'Name': 'pubmed_nuccore'}, {'Description': 'Link to Nucleotide RefSeqs', 'Menu': 'Nucleotide (RefSeq) Links', 'DbTo': 'nuccore', 'Name': 'pubmed_nuccore_refseq'}, {'Description': 'Links to nuccore', 'Menu': 'Nucleotide (Weighted) Links', 'DbTo': 'nuccore', 'Name': 'pubmed_nuccore_weighted'}, {'Description': 'Published EST sequences', 'Menu': 'EST Links', 'DbTo': 'nucest', 'Name': 'pubmed_nucest'}, {'Description': 'Published GSS sequences', 'Menu': 'GSS Links', 'DbTo': 'nucgss', 'Name': 'pubmed_nucgss'}, {'Description': 'OMIM records in this citation', 'Menu': 'OMIM (from Bookshelf)', 'DbTo': 'omim', 'Name': 'pubmed_omim_bookrecords'}, {'Description': 'OMIM (calculated) Links', 'Menu': 'OMIM (calculated) Links', 'DbTo': 'omim', 'Name': 'pubmed_omim_calculated'}, {'Description': 'OMIM (cited) Links', 'Menu': 'OMIM (cited) Links', 'DbTo': 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'Menu': 'PubChem Substance (Publisher)', 'DbTo': 'pcsubstance', 'Name': 'pubmed_pcsubstance_publisher'}, {'Description': 'Free full text articles in PMC', 'Menu': 'PMC Links', 'DbTo': 'pmc', 'Name': 'pubmed_pmc'}, {'Description': 'Full text of articles in PubMed Central cited in this record', 'Menu': 'References in PMC for this Bookshelf citation', 'DbTo': 'pmc', 'Name': 'pubmed_pmc_bookrecords'}, {'Description': 'Embargoed PMC article associated with PubMed', 'Menu': '', 'DbTo': 'pmc', 'Name': 'pubmed_pmc_embargo'}, {'Description': 'Free full text articles in PMC', 'Menu': '', 'DbTo': 'pmc', 'Name': 'pubmed_pmc_local'}, {'Description': 'PubMed links associated with PMC', 'Menu': 'Cited in PMC', 'DbTo': 'pmc', 'Name': 'pubmed_pmc_refs'}, {'Description': 'Published population set', 'Menu': 'PopSet Links', 'DbTo': 'popset', 'Name': 'pubmed_popset'}, {'Description': 'Related Probe entry', 'Menu': 'Probe Links', 'DbTo': 'probe', 'Name': 'pubmed_probe'}, {'Description': 'Published protein 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Similar articles are displayed in ranked order from most to least similar, with the “linked from” citation displayed first.', 'Menu': 'Similar articles', 'DbTo': 'pubmed', 'Name': 'pubmed_pubmed'}, {'Description': '<p>Links to additional articles that others frequently viewed together with your selection.</p><p><i>An experimental new feature from PubMed Labs</i>.</p>', 'Menu': 'Articles frequently viewed together', 'DbTo': 'pubmed', 'Name': 'pubmed_pubmed_alsoviewed'}, {'Description': 'PubMed abstracts for articles cited in this record', 'Menu': 'References for this Bookshelf citation', 'DbTo': 'pubmed', 'Name': 'pubmed_pubmed_bookrecords'}, {'Description': 'PubMed Health systematic reviews that cite this article.', 'Menu': 'Cited in systematic reviews', 'DbTo': 'pubmed', 'Name': 'pubmed_pubmed_pmh_cited'}, {'Description': 'References for this PMC Article', 'Menu': 'References for PMC Articles', 'DbTo': 'pubmed', 'Name': 'pubmed_pubmed_refs'}, {'Description': 'PubMed to SNP links', 'Menu': 'SNP Links', 'DbTo': 'snp', 'Name': 'pubmed_snp'}, {'Description': 'Related SNP (Cited) records', 'Menu': 'SNP (Cited)', 'DbTo': 'snp', 'Name': 'pubmed_snp_cited'}, {'Description': 'Links to Short Read Archive Experiments', 'Menu': 'SRA Links', 'DbTo': 'sra', 'Name': 'pubmed_sra'}, {'Description': 'Published 3D structures', 'Menu': 'Structure Links', 'DbTo': 'structure', 'Name': 'pubmed_structure'}, {'Description': 'Related Taxonomy entry computed using other Entrez links', 'Menu': 'Taxonomy via GenBank', 'DbTo': 'taxonomy', 'Name': 'pubmed_taxonomy_entrez'}, {'Description': 'Related UniGene', 'Menu': 'UniGene Links', 'DbTo': 'unigene', 'Name': 'pubmed_unigene'}], 'Description': 'PubMed bibliographic record', 'DbBuild': 'Build161110-2247m.1', 'MenuName': 'PubMed', 'FieldList': [{'IsNumerical': 'N', 'FullName': 'All Fields', 'TermCount': '179662784', 'SingleToken': 'N', 'Description': 'All terms from all searchable fields', 'IsDate': 'N', 'IsHidden': 'N', 'Hierarchy': 'N', 'Name': 'ALL'}, {'IsNumerical': 'Y', 'FullName': 'UID', 'TermCount': '0', 'SingleToken': 'Y', 'Description': 'Unique number assigned to publication', 'IsDate': 'N', 'IsHidden': 'Y', 'Hierarchy': 'N', 'Name': 'UID'}, {'IsNumerical': 'N', 'FullName': 'Filter', 'TermCount': '10010', 'SingleToken': 'Y', 'Description': 'Limits the records', 'IsDate': 'N', 'IsHidden': 'N', 'Hierarchy': 'N', 'Name': 'FILT'}, {'IsNumerical': 'N', 'FullName': 'Title', 'TermCount': '16239663', 'SingleToken': 'N', 'Description': 'Words in title of publication', 'IsDate': 'N', 'IsHidden': 'N', 'Hierarchy': 'N', 'Name': 'TITL'}, {'IsNumerical': 'N', 'FullName': 'Text Word', 'TermCount': '57203893', 'SingleToken': 'N', 'Description': 'Free text associated with publication', 'IsDate': 'N', 'IsHidden': 'N', 'Hierarchy': 'N', 'Name': 'WORD'}, {'IsNumerical': 'N', 'FullName': 'MeSH Terms', 'TermCount': '608343', 'SingleToken': 'Y', 'Description': 'Medical Subject Headings assigned to publication', 'IsDate': 'N', 'IsHidden': 'N', 'Hierarchy': 'Y', 'Name': 'MESH'}, {'IsNumerical': 'N', 'FullName': 'MeSH Major Topic', 'TermCount': '544923', 'SingleToken': 'Y', 'Description': 'MeSH terms of major importance to publication', 'IsDate': 'N', 'IsHidden': 'N', 'Hierarchy': 'Y', 'Name': 'MAJR'}, {'IsNumerical': 'N', 'FullName': 'Author', 'TermCount': '17774068', 'SingleToken': 'Y', 'Description': 'Author(s) of publication', 'IsDate': 'N', 'IsHidden': 'N', 'Hierarchy': 'N', 'Name': 'AUTH'}, {'IsNumerical': 'N', 'FullName': 'Journal', 'TermCount': '183816', 'SingleToken': 'Y', 'Description': 'Journal abbreviation of publication', 'IsDate': 'N', 'IsHidden': 'N', 'Hierarchy': 'N', 'Name': 'JOUR'}, {'IsNumerical': 'N', 'FullName': 'Affiliation', 'TermCount': '38492277', 'SingleToken': 'N', 'Description': "Author's institutional affiliation and address", 'IsDate': 'N', 'IsHidden': 'N', 'Hierarchy': 'N', 'Name': 'AFFL'}, {'IsNumerical': 'N', 'FullName': 'EC/RN Number', 'TermCount': '95990', 'SingleToken': 'Y', 'Description': 'EC number for enzyme or CAS registry number', 'IsDate': 'N', 'IsHidden': 'N', 'Hierarchy': 'N', 'Name': 'ECNO'}, {'IsNumerical': 'N', 'FullName': 'Supplementary Concept', 'TermCount': '248253', 'SingleToken': 'Y', 'Description': 'CAS chemical name or MEDLINE Substance Name', 'IsDate': 'N', 'IsHidden': 'N', 'Hierarchy': 'N', 'Name': 'SUBS'}, {'IsNumerical': 'N', 'FullName': 'Date - 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Identifier', 'TermCount': '519701', 'SingleToken': 'Y', 'Description': 'Author Identifier', 'IsDate': 'N', 'IsHidden': 'N', 'Hierarchy': 'N', 'Name': 'AUID'}, {'IsNumerical': 'N', 'FullName': 'Subject - Personal Name', 'TermCount': '530123', 'SingleToken': 'Y', 'Description': 'Personal Name as Subject', 'IsDate': 'N', 'IsHidden': 'N', 'Hierarchy': 'N', 'Name': 'PS'}]}

I would like to pass this data to a text file. in the following format.

LastUpdate: 2016/11/11 04:34
Count: 26645932
DbName: pubmed

However my code does not return even the list of values of these keys by the dictionary. The Test Class is as follows:

class Contact:
    def __init__(self, dic):
        self.lista = list((self.NestedDictValues(dic))

    def NestedDictValues(self,d):
        for v in d.values():
            if isinstance(v,dict):
                yield from NestedDictValues(v)
                yield v

The return when I call the class with a simple dictionary is as follows:

<Classe.Contact object at 0x7fae3f486b70>

How to extract these tuples? Why this code extracts all the values from the dictionary but I would have to take the key along with the content. This method can extract values from the dictionary but when placed in class it does not work.

  • Already tried list(Contact.Nesteddictvalues(mydict))?

  • I just tested it doesn’t work either

1 answer


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