Edittext with ellipsis


Viewed 61 times


In Edittext,

when text cannot be displayed completely and lose focus,

has some tag that can be set so that it displays the text with ellipsis?

2 answers


You need to do it this way in XML

        android:maxLines="1" />

And then you need to put in Java

String text = edit_text.getText().toString();

if(text.length() > 8){
   edit_text.setText(text.substring(0, 8) + "...");

With this if it gets bigger than 8 characters will put the ... at the end

  • I couldn’t make it work, the layout type Edit is inserted does right?

  • I edited my answer with some complements, I had not seen that the other method I passed you was discontinued by Google

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editText.setOnFocusChangeListener(new View.OnFocusChangeListener() {
            public void onFocusChange(View view, boolean b) {
                    // se tá com foco, então pôe os "..." no texto
                } else {
                    // se tá sem foco, então mostra o texto inteiro
  • I need to have the ellipsis in the text when Edit is without the focus to indicate that the text is not totamente visible.

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