Maps - Codeigniter


Viewed 90 times


Personal I am using the following library to work with maps: .

Here is the tutorial of the same: .

I’d like when I click on the map not to climb one alert, but the data were for 2 inputs. To increase the alert the following command is used:

$config['onclick'] = 'alert(\'You just clicked at: \' + + \', \' + event.latLng.lng());';

But I do not know much javascript and I have no idea how to pass the value to the 2 inputs, I appreciate who can help me.

1 answer


You can use the function val() of Jquery.

Example script to play the value in input(text-box) with Jquery


With pure Javascript

document.getElementById("txtLatitude").value =;
document.getElementById("txtLongitude").value = event.latLng.lng();

This would look like your configuration with Jquery

$config['onclick'] = '$("#txtLatitude").val(; $("#txtLongitude").val(event.latLng.lng());';

Your configuration with pure Javascript:

 $config['onclick'] = 'document.getElementById("txtLatitude").value =;document.getElementById("txtLongitude").value = event.latLng.lng();';

Your inputs would have to be so to suit the example, having to have the attribute id for jquery to locate the control:

<input type="text" id="txtLatitude" name="latitude">
<input type="text" id="txtLongitude" name="longitude">

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