How to display XML data in an HTML table


Viewed 1,242 times


I would like the XML data to be displayed in a common HTML table with TR and TD, because with the code I’m using the information gets confused.

Follow the code I used:

        url : "livraria.xml",
        success : function(xml){

            $(xml).find("livro").each(function() {
                  "Titulo: " +"<br/>"+
                     "</td></tr>"+  $(this).attr("id") + "-" + "<br/>"+
        error: function(){ 
            alert("Mensagem de erro.");

  • Can you give an example of the XML you are receiving? what does console.log(typeof xml, xml); within that success?

  • Your code is confused, you’re doing append in table without creating a line (tr). It should be something like this: $("#tabela").append("<tr><td>" + $(this).text() + "</td></tr>");

  • @Ricardopunctual I wanted the html page to look more or less like the w3schools I edited the code more or less like you said: $("#table"). append("<tr><td>" + $(this).attr("id") + "<br/>"+ $(this). text()+"</td></tr>"); but the html looks like this:

1 answer


Xml example:


Code example:

                url: "ListaMonografias.jsp",
                success: function (xml) {
                    var saida = "";
                    $(xml).find("monografia").each(function () {
                        saida += "<tr>";
                        saida += "<td>" + $(this).find("ano").text() + "</td>";
                        saida += "<td>" + $(this).find("titulo").text() + "</td>";
                        saida += "<td>" + $(this).find("nomeAutor").text() + "</td>";
                        saida += "<td>" + $(this).find("nomeOrientador").text() + "</td>";
                        saida += "<td>" + $(this).find("areaConcentracao").text() + "</td>";
                        saida += "<td>" + $(this).find("local").text() + "</td>";
                        saida += "<td><a href=deletar.jsp?id=" + $(this).find("id").text() + ">Apagar</a><a href=cadastro.jsp?id=" + $(this).find("id").text() + ">&nbsp Editar</a> </td>";
                        saida += "</tr>"
                error: function () {
                    alert("Processo não concluído");

    <table class="table table-borded table-responsive" id="tabela">
                        <th>Area de concentração</th>
                <tbody id="tbody">

  • Thank you very much, it worked exactly as I wanted it!

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