Angular routing 2 and Laravel 5.3


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I created an initial system (crú) of Laravel 5.3 and managed to implement angular 2.0... put to view the app.Component in Welcome.Blade and it worked normal... I have doubts about how to routing with angular 2 on Laravel 5.3... I would like to make that in each module, ex: users were used the angular in the front end... for example: in the index of users, had the page that made a request "ajax" for the Variable to return the json of the database listing and so on... I’ve read my article in English, but I only think about Angularjs 1.

  • do Getting Started, it will help you a lot

  • I already did, I even did only the routing of angula 2 and was beautiful, the problem is the integration with the Aravel

  • You are using to provide a Rest API or to provide pages?

  • Put your code in the question, a minimum example would be cool.

  • So, in fact, I wanted a way to study this subject, I have several modules, one of them is register of users (already done in Lade), but I would like to do on the part of users an angular acronym that made the HTTP requests via angular

  • Type the create users, delete, etc... already all done the controller models etc, just wanted to insert the angular in single page

  • @Fernandoheriquerubimpioli understood ... pity I know nothing about Angular, now about Laravel I know...

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