Remove selected item in new selection in spinner


Viewed 199 times


Hello I would like to remove an item already selected in the android spinner.



Since Itemb is selected I wouldn’t want it to appear in the list when I was going to select again in Spinner. Example:


How could I be doing?

I’ve searched Google and found nothing about it, not even in the OS(EN).

Thank you.

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  • @Sorack, unfortunately, the answer wasn’t what I was looking for. I ended up not implementing the functionality so as there was no solution of mine nor a proposed solution that worked I did not mark the answer. The only problem in your answer is that it removes and does not re-fix the item when another one is selected.

  • Example: I selected item A, when selecting again will appear item B, C and D if I select any of them the selected item is removed and item A returns the list.

1 answer


First get the desired item from Spinner:

int pos = 0;
object item = m_adapterForSpinner.getitem(posicao);

After obtaining the object, remove the item from the adapter of Spinner:

m_adapterForSpinner.remove((CharSequence) item);

Finally determine again the adapter:

  • But I don’t want him off the list, I just don’t want to show him when selecting another item

  • Something like that?

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