Are DDD and Entity Framework mutually exclusive?


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  • You can link these comments as well?

  • @jbueno comments cannot be linked (as far as I know) but I will include in the question.

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    Of course they can. Just copy the link at the last minute of the comment.

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    @jbueno. Ah thanks. Done.

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    DDD is not technology or layers. Focus on DDD

2 answers


By no means!

The DDD states that domain entities should not be aware of how persistence occurs. But that doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist! At the end of the day persistence is still required. A beautiful layer of domain doesn’t do much by itself.

What should be done if you practice DDD is to ensure that your software architecture is well designed and above all separated into well-defined layers.

Domain entities must play in one corner and persistence entities in another, linked (preferably) through data transfer Objects(DTO’s).

In short, the DDD focuses on the domain area, but does not exclude persistence (EF). They are complementary concepts in the construction of a program.

  • you have just described a multi-layer architecture, in case 3 layers, but most developers make the mistake of trying to see the persistence layer as being a project of your solution, when in fact it is simply the DBMS. So imagine a SPA application made with Angularjs and Webapi making persistence in SQL Server, Angularjs is the presentation layer, Webapi is the domain (and EF is its component) and SQL Server is the persistence layer.

  • @Tobymosque SQL Server It’s not the persistence layer, it’s just a database. Where the data persists. A persistence layer usually abstract database links, query strings, queries and commands parameters, transformation of a record for a model and a thousand and one more things. In other words, they abstract (in the case of c#)

  • @Tobymosque In your example EF would be the layer of persistence and nothing else. In fact she is just that.


DDD is a software modeling approach that follows a set of practices aimed at facilitating the implementation of complex rules/business processes that we treat as a domain.This approach does not depend on any technology to be built is also not a technology.

Repository Pattern can be used in conjunction with DDD in the Infrastructure layer without any problem.

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