Node. js vs Io.js


Viewed 41 times


I’m new here and I’d like to know more about the Node.js and the Io.js. I’ve been doing some research on both of them node.js is an execution environment to assist in writing Javascript programs, being cross-platform and using an event orientation paradigm with a non-blocking I/O system that can handle applications better in real time, with a large number of simultaneous connections. Its architecture proposes the use of a single thread activated per event, which optimizes the use of resources in real-time applications (such as chat, banking transactions, etc). One of the disadvantages is that applications that use relational databases end up being poorly supported in Node, as they end up not taking advantage of the maximum potential of their advantages.

  • I would like to know, what are other disadvantages presented by Node.js?

I couldn’t find much information on the Io.js only that so as the Node.js it is a Javascript platform built on Chrome’s V8 Runtime and uses the concept of open governance model in its development.

  • I would like to know the advantages and disadvantages presented by Io.js?
  • In which applications it is recommended to use Io.js?
  • And which are not recommended?

  • What are the main differences between Node.js and Io.js?

  • When it pays more to use Io.js than Node.js?
  • Hi Valeria! Your question has answer in this other one that I indicated. Basically the io.js was a rebellious, parallel version of Node.js. But a while ago the fight ended and they came back together. Now there is only Node.js.

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