How do I allow only numbers and a special character in javascript?


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I have a validation problem in client-side in case I want to validate the ZIP code field, I need it to only accept the 9 numbers of the ZIP code of the person and the trace - from the CEP, who can help, I would like to thank.

This is a part of the code:

if(isNaN(cep) || tc.length<10){
   alert('digite seu cep corretamente');'red';
   return false;

This code is conflicting with my need because I put to accept only number with the isNaN and do not know how to accept numbers and only a special character.

3 answers


Your code would look like this with a check by regex:

if (!/^[0-9]{5}\-[0-9]{3}$/.test(cep)){
   alert('digite seu cep corretamente');'red';
   return false;


Complementing with some explanation by following the @Sergio example

In the regex above the ^ means the beginning of the string, that is, nothing other than the following will be accepted. The [0-9] means that digits of 0 to 9. The {X} tells how many times the previous term will appear consecutively. The \- means exactly the character -. The $ requires it to be the end of the string, thus preventing there from being anything else after what has been tested. The sequence [0-9] may also be changed to \d, and the result would be as follows:

  • 2

    I think the regex could be improved to /^[0-9]{2}. [0-9]{3}-[0-9]{3}$/ since the one you posted allows Zip Codes so "h12345-678" and so "12345-7890"

  • That’s right, I’ll edit with your suggestion

  • 1

    In regex - is a special character and must be escaped.

  • I’ll improve that too then


I suggest you have a function that clears the blanks and then checks the structure 5 digitos > traço > 3 digitos. It could be so:

function isCEP(str) {
    return !!str.split(' ').join('').match(/^\d{5}\-\d{3}$/);

['12345-678', '123 45 - 678 ', '12345678', '1234-5678'].forEach(function(cep) {

In regex use \d which means number/digit, \- which means dash, and {x} which means it waits x times the character type before the {} in regex.


An alternative would be to use a mask plugin with jQuery:

<script src=""></script>

<script src=""></script>

  CEP: <input type="text" id="txtCep" />

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