Send . pdf, in Base64, by e-mail


Viewed 1,144 times


I get a string through a API external, which comes directly from the client (I only take care of the website, making it impossible to change the type of information I receive). This string is a .pdf which was encrypted in base64 and I need to send it in email to the customer, when he requests, and should be sent the link .pdf, and not the attached file.

For the record, I work with PHP, using Laravel.

  1. If I try to give Decode in this string, it generates a giant stream, but how would I generate the link with that stream?

  2. If I use the command"data:application/pdf," + codigo_base64); in the Javascript, I can open the .pdf perfectly in another browser tab, but, as I said, I need to send the same by email, thus losing any functionality to use Javascript. Or am I wrong?

  3. If I try to use <a href='data:application/pdf," + codigo_base64)'>, the email client simply ignores the existence of the link, some client even display the link. (and to tell the truth, I don’t even know if such a command is possible)

Is there any way to send that .pdf by e-mail?

Editing: Unfortunately, the client wants the download link sent, not the attached file.

  • If you turn again into pdf file stores in a temporary folder, makes an email attaches that item and send then erases the time? how about ?

  • What is the version of your Laravel?

  • 1

    The problem is that my client wants the download link sent, not the attached file (I forgot to mention this). I am currently using version 5.2.

1 answer


To send an e-mail with attachment, where the .pdf is in format base64 is easy, precise reverse that base64 for a physical file, record in a temporary folder and normally send via an attachment with class Mail of

I’m doing as if you’ve already gotten the die of this API:

Route::get('emailpdf', function()
    $data = "_dados_da_string_base64_arquivo_tipo_pdf";

    //gerando um nome para o arquivo
    $pathToFile = 'temp/'.uniqid().'.pdf';

    //salvar a string em uma pasta temporária para servir de anexo
    //com extensão e tipo PDF    
    file_put_contents($pathToFile, base64_decode($data));        

    //classe que envia o email  
    \Illuminate\Support\Facades\Mail::send('email', [], 
    function($message) use ($pathToFile)
        $message->to('[email protected]');
        //anexando o arquivo criado na pasta temporária     


    //excluindo o arquivo da pasta temporária

    return "Email enviado com sucesso";


I am waiting for some user message to improve the reply!


Client wants a link sent:

In the template email put something like this, use the template helper Asset:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="utf-8">
    <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
<div class="flex-center position-ref full-height">
    <h3>Email enviado com sucesso</h3>
        <a href="{{asset($link_pdf)}}">PDF Link</a>

and in the code make these changes by sending to View the link created and as this file cannot be deleted I removed the last line:

Route::get('emailpdf', function()
    $data = "_dados_da_string_base64_arquivo_tipo_pdf";

    //gerando um nome para o arquivo
    $pathToFile = 'temp/'.uniqid().'.pdf';

    //salvar a string em uma pasta temporária para servir de anexo
    //com extensão e tipo PDF    
    file_put_contents($pathToFile, base64_decode($data));        

    //classe que envia o email  
    \Illuminate\Support\Facades\Mail::send('email',['link_pdf' => $pathToFile], 
    function($message) use ($pathToFile)
        $message->to('[email protected]');
        //anexando o arquivo criado na pasta temporária     


    return "Email enviado com sucesso";


In this case sends the attachment and a link to the site, would not recommend the link, but, reported by you customer thing.

  • It’s not exactly what I need (because the client wants a link, not an attachment), but the function works perfectly to fire an attachment via email. In the worst case, I’ll try to convince you to send the attachment!

  • @lmartim but even so is easy to solve also with a link I will do the editing and put with link too.

  • 1

    Then you managed to solve my problem, I did not have the knowledge of this library Assets! Thank you so much for your help!

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