Fullcalendar: chmar an external Json file


Viewed 694 times


Good afternoon, I am trying to upload an event to Fullcalendar. The problem is this

$(document).ready(function() {
        header: {
                left: 'today',
                center: 'prev, title, next',
                right: 'month,basicWeek,basicDay'
                        eventClick:  function(event) {
                             return false;
            navLinks: true, // can click day/week names to navigate views
            editable: true,
            eventLimit: true, // allow "more" link when too many events
                    <?php include('process.php') ?>


    $title = "Jose";
    $start = "2016-11-01";

echo "{
       title: '$title' ,
       start: '$start' 

This way I can carry, but I would like to know how I do calling a JSON? tried in many ways ($.getJson, $.get, Json.parser(), etc...) Anyone have any tips?

2 answers


You can use ajax to get that JSON and when ajax completes run the code you have. Something like this:

$(document).ready(function() {
    $.getJSON("/Process.PHP", function(event) {
            header: {
                left: 'today',
                center: 'prev, title, next',
                right: 'month,basicWeek,basicDay'
            eventClick: function(event) {
                $('#eventUrl').attr('href', event.url);
                return false;
            navLinks: true, // can click day/week names to navigate views
            editable: true,
            eventLimit: true, // allow "more" link when too many events
            events: [event]

Eventually you want to pass an array and not just an object at a time. In this case Javascript can have events: events and in PHP do echo of an array. Remember that you can use the json_encode of PHP to generate JSON.

  • I don’t know AJAX, do you have a website that can tell me? I found the code $. ajax({ url: address, complete: Function(res){ var meuJSON = JSON.parse(res.responseText); console.log(meuJSON); } }); but I need an example to base myself on

  • @Joseleandro this code that you put in the commentary is a longer way to do what I put in the reply. Take a look here http://answall.com/a/25215/129, but at the bottom is what I put in the answer using the specific and simplified version of jQuery for AJAX + JSON, which is the getJSON. You tested my code?

  • @Also interesting: http://answall.com/a/116177/129

  • My Json condigo is { "events":[ { "title":"Jose", "start":"2016-09-01" } ] } I should modify something?

  • @Joseleandro already has this json in javascript with getJSON?

  • My code looks like this: index.php $. getJSON("events.json", Function(Event){ ... Events:[ Event ] } and my Json events.json { "events":[ { "title":"Jose", "start":"2016-09-01" } ] }

  • Place only the array in JSON, without the "{events:}"

  • So close, I put as you said, and put the Events: Alert(Event) And the answer I have is [Object Object] I started my search for knowledge again and the only answer I find is that I don’t need JSON.parse, but the error happens if I don’t use itlo and using it is occurring Syntaxerror JSON.parse, and my code is like this: var Objecting = JSON.parse(Event); and my events. Json looks like this: [ { "title":"Jose", "start":"2016-09-01" } ]

  • The error is: Unexpected Character at line 1 column 2 of the JSON data

  • @Joseleandro in PHP puts it like this: echo '[{"title":"Jose", "start":"2016-09-01"}]'; and Javascript as follows: http://jsfiddle.net/hge7Lxza/

  • This way it works, but this way I have to use a php file, know if I could do the same thing only with a file . Json?

  • @Joseleandro in the same way... http://jsfiddle.net/hge7Lxza/1/ and in the file .json only [{"title":"Jose", "start":"2016-09-01"}] no quotation marks before or after.

  • Good morning, I tested, but it returns [Object Object]. I did a test only with $.get and it’s returning me [ { "title":"Jose", "start":"2016-11-01" } ] which is what I need to return to Events: from the full calendar I can read, but the "Events:" from the full calendar doesn’t read, would you tell me why? Main.php $. get("events.json", Function(varEventos){ Events: varEventos } events.json [ { "title":"Jose", "start":"2016-11-01" } ]

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I use the 'Events' of the fullcalendar itself, follow the code:

events: function(start, end, timezone, callback) {

   //chama o ajax e retorna um  result/promise com os dados 'data'
   	var events = []; //create array to events
		$.each(data, function(index, val) { //passa por cada resultado do array
			events.push({							//adiciona os dados no array 'events'
				title: val.title,
				start: val.start,
		callback(events); //callback que irá preencher o calendário, com o array de eventos.

It will load all events returned from ajax, in the calendar, any questions, just contact.

  • I appreciate the answer, but my question is how to call a JSON file, as I upload it to you

  • After 2 days of struggling, your answer was the one that solved my problem. Thank you very much

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