I am trying to analyze a text typed in a jTextArea, in the form of an algorithm in English. Initially I must recognize the main method, which is characterized by "beginning" and "end". The way I’m doing (code below), my logic only works if everything is on the same line, no matter what is between the two words for example:
start .... end asdf
I need that when typing in jTextArea, the logic works even if the line is broken by an Enter, for example:
What can I do to make it work?
String a = jTextArea1.getText();
boolean valInicio = a.matches("^inicio.*");
boolean valFim = a.matches(".*fim$");
if (valInicio) {
jTextArea2.setText(jTextArea2.getText() + "\nEcontrou o inicio do programa!");
if (valFim) {
jTextArea2.setText(jTextArea2.getText() + "\nEcontrou o fim do programa!");
One way would be to replace all the line breaks before giving matche:
a.replace("\n", ":quebra:")
. After checking you could return the text to normal:a.replace(":quebra:", "\n")
– JuniorNunes
Later I will need my code to analyze more things within this "code" typed in jTextArea, such as relational operators, arithmetic, and other items, regardless of how many lines the code has. Using this way will it work for the next items of my work?
– BrunoPadilha
I believe so.
– JuniorNunes