When I try to give the ionic emulate android
gives the following error:
Emulator: Requested console port 5584: Inferring adb port 5585. ERROR: x86 emulation Currently requires hardware Acceleration! Please ensure Intel HAXM is properly installed and usable.
CPU Acceleration status: Androi d Emula tor re Quire s an In tel pr ocess r with VT-x and NX support . Your CPU: 'Authenticamd'
So I researched the error and tried some solutions, as suggested here, but I couldn’t solve.
I tried to run a simple app with Android Studio to see if the problem was not unique to Ionic and ended up bumping into the same error.
Use a Windows 7 Professional SP1 machine with 64-bit AMD processor.
thanks for the help. I did as you suggested only that the "Hyper-V" option does not appear. Then reading the comments of the link you suggested, I saw that this solution is for a specific version of windows 8. http://stackoverflow.com/questions/28911176/haxm-installation-fails-claiming-vt-x-not-present#comment50009785_28949355
– Hamurabi Araujo