CSS When Sending JSP Email


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Is there a way for me to send an email via java using even css? To be able to send the formatted body, I can, but I would like to put bootstrap in the email content

          //Criando a Multipart
          Multipart multipart = new MimeMultipart();

          //criando a primeira parte da mensagem
          MimeBodyPart attachment0 = new MimeBodyPart();
          //configurando o corpodamensagem com o mime type
          attachment0.setContent(corpoDaMensagem, "text/html; charset=UTF-8");

          //adicionando na multipart


Exist as?


  • remembering that bootstrap is using CDN

  • Usually for this type of situation I include the same css inline! I don’t know if it’s a bad practice! But in my case (very specific situations even, type colors, font sizes, etc) always worked

  • Yeah, I’m doing it for now.

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