insert date in mysql database "ex. day/month/year"


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I’m a beginner, I use bd mysql and php, I’m not sure about my database.

use the following input:

<input type="text" placeholder="Data de início" class="btntarefa" name="dataInicio" id="dataInicio" data-uk-datepicker="{format:'DD.MM.YYYY'}">

after running my Insert:

$comandoSql="INSERT INTO tbTarefa 
                         (nomeTarefa, dataInicio , dataTermino, anexos, observacao, status, codObra)    
                         ('".$tarefa."', '".$data1."', '".$data2."', '".$anexo."', '".$observacao."', '".$status."', '".$idObra."')";

the result is:

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

My question is how I can insert in the day/month/year format

I researched and found this:

SET evn_dtevent = STR_TO_DATE( "31/05/2014", "%m/%d/%Y" )

However I tried to adapt it in my Internet and presented syntax error, could help me regarding this or other way that can solve my problem, from now Thank you

  • have tried that > data-uk-datepicker="{format:'YYYY.DD.MM'}" a lot of times it works!

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    Mysql Database is configured ANO/MES/DIA is your default date storage. When you receive the date, you must convert to this format and write to the database as already said.

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  • Here are several ways to convert:

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    @Gokussjgod Thank you, after checking the link, I found this echo date(’d-m-Y', strtotime($venc_garantia)); , and so I decided to store it in a variable and then display-la segue: $dInicio = $line['dataInicio']; $dInicio1 = date(’d-m-Y', strtotime($dInicio));

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